Chapter Forty One

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Junior was laid down on a king-size bed in the guest bedroom he was shown to. It was his last night at Sean's house and he couldn't wait for his leave the following morning.

Sean had invited him to a meeting with his supposedly alive father and he declined as his rage didn't allow him to.

If his father wanted to talk to him, he would've in the past few years, so he saw no need to be the one to reach out.

Scrolling down Sage's Instagram, he noticed she didn't post any longer, but looking at the pictures from their week at the resort ached his heart.

He wanted to call her and hear her voice but held his urges, to make things easier for her. Or maybe for him, he wasn't certain.

The door to the bedroom opened and he peered up to see Trina prance in with a white lace bodysuit a short silk gown in the same colour, that hung loosely on her shoulders.

She closed the door behind her and approached him with nude strappy heels that clicked against the wooden floor.

"Hey baby," her tiny voice purred.

Junior smacked his lips and went back to his phone.

Trina got to the edge of the bed and crawled towards him at the head, "I thought you needed some relaxation after much business talk," she spoke lowly, attempting to be sexy.

"Naa, I'm straight," Junior said without lifting his head.

Trina made contact and ran her hand up his thigh, "You need a release, I know it's been a while," she said as she rubbed his crotch area.

Junior moved her hand away, "Move," he demanded lowly.

"Don't you miss this?" Trina asked while slipping the gown off, "I know I missed you."

"I should kill you right now, you know that?" Junior looked into her eyes, a hint of fear crossed her eyes but left as she smirked.

"Pity you can't," she neared him and straddled him.

Junior put his phone down and sat looking up at the ceiling.

Trina nibbled on his neck, "I know you want me," she said against it with her hand exciting his member.

Junior closed his eyes, his senses betraying him.

"Sit back and enjoy," Trina whispered.


Sage got home from school exhausted, the heat had her irritated. She wanted nothing more than to sleep.

School seemed to be a struggle lately for her, she wakes up drained and pushes through the day angry with a few hot flashes. Hunger also attacks her at the most awkward times of the day but as soon as she sees food, it disappears.

She was still going through the emotions of being dumped by Junior but she worried it affected her physically.

She threw her body on the bed and laid there with one hand hanging off. If she closed her eyes, that would be it for the day.

Ashley left her earlier for an appointment with the doctor, she wasn't invested in the conversation to remember why but she was happy to go home.

Her eyelids couldn't hold up anymore, and the thoughts she was basking in about Junior, her day, and school started fading away.

Her body sighed as she drifted into a much-needed sleep.


Ashley was sitting in a small nurse's room, her legs nervously shifting beneath her.

She had missed her periods last week and decided to come test for pregnancy. She was hoping she wasn't pregnant, she didn't want to have to go through termination again because there was no way she'd carry a dead man's child.

She was staring at charts pasted on the wall, getting sucked in by her thoughts. Her mind landed on the first time she fell pregnant, after losing her virginity to a well-known guy.

She had thought he was interested in her, even though he was dating his cousin at that time. Her naive self believed he'd end things with her cousin for her.

She figured if she was able to get him drunk and sleep with her, she'd be able to carry out the last part of the plan but reality hit her with the truth.

Junior hated her after he learned she had slipped a small pill in his drink when there was a party at her place. Trina had disappeared for the night and Ashley capitalized.

As she was riding him, he kept calling out for Trina, she ignored that and focused on his hands that held her body as if it was the last thing he could do.

Embarrassed, she aborted the child a month after without telling him, and their secret stayed as just that because he didn't tell Trina.

The door opening killed her memory and she looked at the plump woman in light blue scrubs. Her chubby brown cheeks were shining as she smiled at Ashley. The micro braids were tied into a loose bun on top of her head and her small eyes glanced at Ashley before looking at her chair.

"Miss Ashley Long," the nurse said and sat on her side of the desk. She placed a brown folder before her and opened it, "I have your results, but first I'd like us to take blood samples to make sure," she spoke.

Ashley grew nervous as she gave the nurse a bewildered look, "Am I pregnant?"

"No, we tested your urine sample and it came back negative but," she went through papers then picked one up, "There seems to be a sexually transmitted disease hence I suggested we take your blood for further analysis."

Ashley was happy she wasn't pregnant, she sat back in the chair with a little sigh, "Okay, sure."

She watched the nurse ready tubes and a needle to take her blood, shortly after wearing latex gloves and grabbing a cotton ball, she asked Ashley to produce her arm.

"This can be cured with antibiotics right?" Ashley enquired as the nurse pricked her arm.

"If we're not too late," the nurse simply said.

"Okay," Ashley couldn't care much, she was riding on the thought of not being pregnant.

After a few minutes, Ashley was pressing down on where the needle was with a cotton ball.

"That's all for today, your results will be ready shortly, you'll be contacted to come in," the nurse said whilst labeling the small tubes.

"Okay," Ashley smiled. She stood up, "Can I throw this in here?" she asked standing over a cardboard box covered in a pink plastic bag that looked like a trash bin.


She did so and collected her backpack, "See you soon then," she announced and exited the room.

Relief hugged her as she left that wing, towards the entrance of the hospital.

She took her phone out and wanted to call Sage to come over when she bumped into a body.

"Oh sorry," she quickly said before looking up to an elder man.

"It's okay," the man said then hurried off.

Ashley then spotted Candice and Vanessa a few steps in front of her leaving the hospital.

Vanessa was walking slower than usual and Candice seemed to be supporting her.

Ashley knew that walk too well. She snickered as she thought of the pain Vanessa must've experienced from the morning.

She quickened her pace to walk past them with an extra swing to her step, she forced her way in between them, "Excuse me."

Vanessa clicked her tongue, "Bitch!"

Ashley turned back to look at her and winked, "Hope you're okay baby momma," she laughed and walked away.

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