Chapter Twenty-Five

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Did I finally have enough brainpower to work on these two chapters as drafts and post them at the same time so there isn't an awkward twenty-minute pause? Yes! Will I remember to do that next week.... probably not 😂😂

Chapter Twenty-Five

"Zana, I know you are hurting right now but lying on the couch isn't helping you or anyone," Cathleen's voice rings from the speaker of my phone.

"I will have you know that I am in the kitchen cooking, and I went and did rounds the last two nights," I say as I grab some eggs from the fridge. 

"Yes, but you aren't talking to Thalia or anyone else regularly," Cathleen says.

"I'm talking to you right now," I say.

"Yes, and how many times have I called?"

"This would be the eighth time," I reply sheepishly. I am sure she has more important things to do than call and try to get a hold of a heartbroken teenager.

"Zana you need to talk to someone, or you are going to explode," Cathleen says, and I can hear her becoming frustrated. I wonder if she is speaking from experience. Her persistence tells me this is something she is connecting with personally for some reason.

"It isn't that big of a deal Cathleen, he was one friend and I will be fine," I say flustered.

"We just wish you had told us what happened before acting," Aviva's voice calls out from the background.

"I did what I had to," I say seriously before hanging up the call. I have to go supply shopping for school with Dr. Hayes this afternoon.

Turning on the stove, I start making myself breakfast while marinating tonight's dinner. I easily move around the tiny kitchen and prep everything before cleaning up and getting changed into some nice clothes. When T walks through the door at one in the afternoon I just look at her baffled.

"Your home?" I ask and she has a dazed look on her face.

"I'm being transferred to a different shelter," she says surprised.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask her perplexed and there is a knock at the door. She spins on her heel and welcomes her father in, and he looks just as confused as I feel.

"Tali? What are you doing home at this hour?" He asks confused.

"I am being transferred," she repeats, and I want to ask more questions.

"Well, why don't we talk about that over dinner. I want to take Zana supply shopping," he says, and I grab my phone and tighten my boots.

"Okay," she says still in a daze herself.

Dr. Hayes and I walk outside and there is a fancy car waiting for us. Sliding inside, he carefully gets in and I see his cane across the back of the seat. Buckling up, the driver takes off and I have no clue where we are going but we arrive at some fancy shop over on the other side of town. Stepping out of the car we stroll into the store and he pulls the printed list out of his pocket and walks over to one of the employees.

She smiles wildly and helps us pick up my uniforms and everything I will need. I end up getting knives with wooden handles, but they are almost stained purple and I am excited to take them home and practice with them. We go to a few stores over and pick up some of the books I need, and Dr. Hayes and I talk about cooking and school. I enjoy the conversation and almost feel at ease in his company. He tells me he found some old recipe cards his wife to use and next time he comes by he will bring them for me.

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