Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Zana!" T yells at me as I run around getting ready.

"I'm ready let's go!" I yell grabbing our coats as we run out the door.

"I told you to run rounds after," she says annoyed.

"We're not going to be late, it's fine," I say as we jog down the stairs out into the cooler weather.

"You are such a pain," T says, smiling.

"You love me," I say sticking my tongue out.

"Yeah, yeah," T says, knocking into me playfully.

"You didn't even change out of your boots," T says, and I snicker.

I put on a nice blouse that magically appeared in my drawers one day along with a nice pair of slacks, but I've managed to ruin every pair of shoes I own except for these; so, I always keep the boots on anymore. It's also nice to know that I always have them in case I need to get in and out of anywhere quickly. T loops her arm with mine and we meet Greyson, Aviva, and Mason at the front of the school.

"Avi! What are you doing here?" I ask her happily.

"She's happier to see Aviva then me," Greyson mumbles to T but I hear it.

"I uh-" Aviva stutters.

"Is it about the one boot malfunctioning occasionally? I watched her nearly crash into a wall yesterday," Mason says hugging me.

"It is," Aviva says giving me a look.

"He taught me to fight and he's a good friend," I say quietly to her and she nods.

"We'll check it out once you get your award!" Aviva squeals hugging me.

"It's not a big deal, my teachers just like me because I am a hard worker," I say to them before they head into the auditorium.

The ceremony drags on forever and I can't wait for it to be over. Mounting the stage, I smile at the crowd and see my little group altogether. Greyson stands up and whistles loudly and I shake my head at him, he is something else. Shaking hands with all of the teachers and the principal I settle back in my seat and am thankful to be out of the spotlight. Meeting back up with everyone Mason hugs me before heading home to get work done. I can see the tension in his shoulders from being with Greyson and I don't blame him for his hasty retreat.

"Okay, so who's he?" Greyson asks once he's out of earshot.

"He teaches self-defense classes with his mom and when I expressed that I wanted to learn more he gave me almost one hundred lessons for free. His sister died due to domestic violence and he swore to help any woman in need after that," I say.

"Sounds familiar, doesn't it?" T asks me, nudging me.

"He's a good friend and I am thankful for the skills he has given me," I say.

"And he knows your secret?" Greyson asks and Aviva smacks him.

"Back off," she says seriously, and I can sense a little tension.

"I sense a story," I say, and Aviva turns her head away.

"Aviva found out about Alexander first and then she pieced it together than Cathleen was also one of us and I wasn't pleased," Greyson says coldly.

"There is no story," Aviva says but I know she's lying.

"Can we stop and get ice cream?" I ask T, wide-eyed, and smiling.

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