Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


"Zana you need to wake up,"


Grunting I roll over confused and try to push the annoying voice away and I hear a yelp. Prying my tired lids open, I see a man in a button-down on the floor. Rolling back over I try to fall back asleep but the hand on my shoulder startles me and I raise a fist.

"Don't hit me again!" The voice yells startling me.

"Again?" I grunt out rolling back over.

Greyson's bright silver eyes stare down at me and I can see that I startled him but there is also the worry in his eyes. He untucks his shirt and shows me the massive bruise on his stomach, he doesn't have a six-pack, but his stomach is certainly flat. There is a bruise about halfway up his stomach that is about the size of my fist.

"Oops," I mumble before burying myself into the blankets.

"Zana you need to wake up, I was supposed to get you up hours ago, but you hit me," Greyson's voice pleads.

"I'll wake up when I'm ready," I grumble out and he sighs and leaves the room.

I doze in and out for a while and the things I'm starting to see, keep me under even longer. I see that woman's face again, but this time she is bleeding, half of her body is rock, the other half is limp and unresponsive. A long slice up her face is bleeding and tears are in her eyes. The man comes back into my dreams and the words he says to me are violent and full of hate.

A very sweet smell starts to interrupt my dreams and I wake up in a cold sweat. Looking around I realize that the smell is coming from the kitchen. My stomach growls at me and I start to hear voices in the kitchen. A faint burnt smell is evident but slowly being covered by my favorite breakfast food. Climbing out of bed I walk over to the kitchen where I see Greyson elbow-deep trying to make cinnamon apple pancakes.

"I think I am starting to get the hang of this," he says, and I'm surprised he knows I am here.

"I knew you would, you cook dinner for yourself all the time, pancakes aren't that hard," T's voice filters out from his phone.

"I haven't heard her stir yet," Greyson says, and I smirk to myself.

"Don't worry, when I need her to get up that always works without fail, it's probably her favorite food from what I have gathered," T says.

"You really love her, don't you?" Greyson asks and I can hear a tenderness in his voice.

"As much as I love you, Grey, she's like the little sister I never had, but always wanted," T says.

"I'm glad you took her in, dad really likes her spunk," Greyson says.

"If only he could have liked my spunk," T says snickering.

"It's a learning process for that old man," Greyson says amused and I slip into the kitchen and steal a pancake off the plate before plopping down at a chair.

"Sleeping beauty has finally awoken," Greyson says smiling at me.

"Told you," T says.

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