Chapter Four

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I apolagize for any typos Xx CC

Chapter Four

Walking down the street, everything is quiet. The little flakes hit my hat and I pause and look around. The snow had started a few hours ago but that didn't stop me from wandering around. I don't get cold very easily, so I don't mind walking in the snow if anything I relish in the calm, quiet that falls over the city in this weather. Sitting down on a bus bench, I look out at the sky and it seems so foggy. A smile slides onto my face and I feel my phone buzzing.

"Hi T," I say happily.

"I see you have eaten, but, where are you?" She asks me confused.

"It's snowing," I say.

"Yes, and you should be here, where it's warm," she says.

"You know I don't get very cold," I say with a laugh.

"Where are you?"

"I'm not in some alleyway, I'm on the main road, watching the snowfall," I say.

"You've always had a thing for winter," she muses.

"Yes, it's just so much more peaceful."

"Please come home soon, it's getting late," T says, and I can hear her reheating dinner.

"I'll be home within the hour," I say, and we bid goodbye.

"Home," I say out loud to myself.

The word feels foreign on my tongue. I've been on the streets since I was thirteen, I think, so I haven't had a place to call home for a while. A lot of my memories from before I wound up in the hospital are patchy and blurry, even the reason why I ended up in the hospital is a blur.

Staring down the street again, I see a figure at the end of the road, standing in the middle of the empty intersection. I can see the appeal of standing there because no one is around, but it is still dangerous considering the visibility in this area isn't exactly the greatest. Glancing at the clock on my phone, I see that it almost ten o'clock and I shake my head at my behavior. Why am I such a nomad sometimes?

The crunching of boots in the snow catches my attention, but I don't lean forward. I sit back on the bench and put my phone away and keep my eyes set straight forward. The crunching comes much closer, and I tug my hat slightly lower. The person figure is visible through the semi-transparent bus shelter and I can figure out it is a man. Slowly the man walks past me, and he glances in my direction for a split second, but that is all I needed. That silver hair, it is the man that shot me.

Keeping my face neutral he continues to walk past, never once glancing back in my direction. His boots continue to crunch in the snow, and I don't move until I can't hear him anymore. Breathing a sigh of relief, something inside me becomes uneasy. Standing up quickly, I glance out of the shelter and see it is empty. I dart up the main road and cut back over towards the apartment complex. I am thankful when I am finally inside and back on the couch. T comes over and hands me a cookie and I give her a strange look.

"What? I can't splurge on some cookies?" She teases munching on her own.

"I'll never turn down a cookie," I say grabbing it from her happily.

Sweets are a luxury for me; I needed to save my pocket change to do laundry, not buy sugar. The cookie is soft and melts in my mouth slightly and I enjoy the gooey soft texture it has. I eat it very slowly and relish in the sweet flavors. Relaxing. T helps me turn the couch into my bed and we say goodnight.

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