Chapter Nineteen

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It's Zana's big day 😭😭 she's officially becoming a superhero!! Who's excited?? This is going to be a long one so buckle up, you didn't think the story was over because Viro was locked up, did you? 🤣🤣

 Also, another old character returns! Any guesses? 😁 The first person to guess right gets a chapter dedicated to them next time I upload! 

Chapter Nineteen

"Are you ready Aegis?" The mayor asks me with a big smile.

"As I will ever be," I say.

Flattening out the padding in the shirt Aviva gave me, I zip up my jacket and straighten out my mask before following the Mayor towards the stage. I can hear the crowd of people chattering. As we step out a massive roar comes from all of the people and I see people everywhere in black and silver. The large screen on the stage shows what is going on in New York. Everyone falls silent as G steps up to the platform.

"Today marks a momentous day for all metahuman kind as well as this team. As protectors of the public, our goal is to protect as many people as we can, to help and inspire, and overall be a support system for our country with the ever-growing threats to our nation. But the truth of the matter is, we can only look after so many at one time, and we can only be in one place at a time. A goal of this team's since its founding was to eventually find members that could function in other cities," Greyson says, and a flutter happens in my chest.

"Today we welcome the superhero Aegis, into our ranks. This day also marks the day that M5 is no more and the day that we finally take on the name the Mavericks. We will no longer be defined by our number of members, but rather the strength that the different members have. Without further ado, Aegis everyone," Greyson says.

Cathleen disappears from the screen for a few moments before appearing next to me. She outstretches her hand and we shake hands slowly, letting the world photograph this moment. She gestures for me to step up to the microphone and I turn on my voice modifier before opening my mouth to speak.

"I am so thankful to be right here at this moment and I hope everyone here knows that," I say honestly and there are some cheers.

"Running around in sweats and a mask trying to save people is one thing but when the Mavericks took me under their wing, I was given a new chance to be an even better hero. But the biggest question still remains, why do I do this? It has been a buzz in the media and among the members of the police since I first started working and I am here to tell you why," I say, and I hear a few whistles. The question had even been trending on flutter for the last day.

"When I was young, I was left to die, injured, beaten, and completely alone. When I finally picked myself up off of the ground, I swore to myself that I would never let anyone hurt the way I did in that moment. I would protect everyone from this awful feeling of being physically and emotionally shattered. The reason I run around doing everything that I do is because I want to protect everyone in this city in the way that nobody protected me," I say honestly, and the crowd goes silent.

"The police do everything they can to help the citizens of our wonderful city, but my end goal is to help them and continue their mission of protecting this city. Thank you," I say.

Stepping away from the microphone I let out a long sigh of relief and a faint chuckle from Cathleen makes me smile. The mayor says a few things to the crowd before everyone starts to disperse. I am thankful when the people start to thin out and I can hear myself think again.

"You did a good job," Cathleen says.

"You think so? I must have rewritten that forty times over," I grumble.

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