Chapter 12 - The Dazzlings Stir Up Some Trouble

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[Back in the present]

Sunset Shimmer was walking towards the CHS lobby when she saw you quickly stuff a red mask in your pocket, look around and enter the library.

Sunset Shimmer: 'Y/N? What is he hiding a mask in his pocket?' She pondered. Sunset then continued walking and entered the lobby.

A/N: Stop at 1:37

10 minutes later...

It was now lunchtime and you and The Rainbooms were gathered at the lunch table.

Y/N: "So Sunset, you mentioned you were giving a tour earlier. How did it go?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I gave a tour to these three new girls and something was really off about them."

Pinkie Pie: "Like, this off?" She said as she used part of her hair to make a puffy beard. She then put two carrots in your mouth to look like fangs and out two leaves of lettuce on her eyebrows. "Or, or this off!"

The Rainbooms and Sunset deadpanned while you giggled.

Rainbow Dash: "Maybe we should just let Sunset tell us."

Sunset Shimmer: "Their names were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. And I think they had magic."

You looked surprised and confused at the same time. But before you could say anything, Rainbow Dash responded. 

Rainbow Dash: "Woah, Woah, Woah! These new girls have magic?!"

Y/N: "Hold the-"

Applejack: "Is it bad magic? Or is it good?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I think it's dark magic. One of them blurted out that they use their necklaces to get people to do what they want."

You put your hands on your head in shock and slumped in your chair.

Rarity: "Necklaces? Were they exquisite ones or dull-"

You shot out of your chair which instantly grabbed The Rainboom's attention.

Y/N: "CAN SOMEBODY please explain to me what is going on?!"

The girls looked at you weirdly for a moment before realizing that you knew nothing about magic.

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* "Sunset! You never told Y/N that we have a friend from another dimension who's a pony princess in that dimension and that with her we used the Elements Of Harmony to turn you from a raging she-demon into a nice girl. And that at rehearsal we Ponied-Up again even though Twilight is gone and that she has a crush on Flash but didn't know at first that Sunset and Flash were a thing but she was actually using him. But now you're good and this is the only school in the whole wide world where magic exists!" She rambled before giving you a big smile.

Y/N: "What?! S-Sunset was a...she-demon?" 'Does magic exist?' "Twilight, who I thought just lived far away, is a pony princess from another dimension?!"

You pulled your hair before taking a deep breath and calming down.

Y/N: "Oh, wait a minute. You girls were just joking, right? Haha ha ha, very funny Sunset. You're a comedian."

Everyone looked away from you or at your feet. You immediately knew Pinkie Pie and Sunset were telling the truth.

Y/N: "You are all saying this is TRUE?!"

Spunset: Spider-Man Male Reader x MLP EQGWhere stories live. Discover now