Clearing the Air

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I feel so bad that it's taken this long. I'm currently writing other stories and school is also taking up my time.  Enjoy the update! RxR

Orion remained upstairs with Teddy after the encounter. He had to think and calm down before he talked to Severus. The fear he felt coming off of Severus made him horrified. Does Severus really think he'll become the next Dark Lord? Does he really think he has that much hate and resentment inside him? Orion didn't know how to resolve this. 

It's a good thing Teddy distracted him and allowed him to ignore everyone's emotions. He's thankful that Edward is giving him some space, but he didn't want to be alone anymore. Once Teddy fell asleep for the night, he called for Edward. "You can come now Ed. I miss you."

Orion isn't shocked in the least about missing his mate. He's come to terms with his magic always reaching out to Edward. It has only been a few days, but they both already loved each other. Before Edward opened the door, Orion felt love and affection coming from his mate. It made him smile because he found someone to love him. Someone who would never willingly leave him.

He was taken from his thoughts when he felt Edward pulling him into a hug. Orion sighed and melted into it. This right here is what he needed. His mate. "I need you to Ry," Edward said softly. 

Orion smiled, but it faltered. "How is it down there?"

Edward soothingly rubbed his mates back. "Sirius is worried about you and is a little peeved at what Severus was thinking. He found it sick how he can think something like that when you sacrificed yourself for everyone."

Edwards arms tightened around Orion. He didn't like to think about the fact that Orion did in fact die to save everyone. Orion nestled even further in Edwards arms. "What about Severus? Is he alright?" Orion inquired.

"He's sorry, but he's still fearful over how powerful you are," Edward explained softly.

Orion sighed. "I know. It's just... I'm scared that he's right."

Edward looked at him stunned. "Orion, are you forgetting I could see inside your mind? If you were evil or potentially a threat, I would know about it."

Orion felt a little relieved at that. "Thank you Ed."

Edward kissed his softly on his cheek. "Anytime. You're my mate and I would do anything for you."

Orion was a little tired, but he wanted to make sure Edward was on the same page as him. "Do you still want to deal with the Volturi ourselves?"

Edward immediately nodded. "We're both powerful enough to deal with them."

Orion looked wary. "What do you want to do to them?"

"We're going to have to kill them Ry."

Orion thought about it, but he didn't see the need to kill the others besides Aro. "I know that Aro needs to be dealt with, but we don't need to take care of the others. You told me about how powerful they all are and they could be assets."

Edward growled. "They could hurt you Orion. They follow Aro blindly!"

Orion sighed tiredly. "Don't yell Ed. I'm just saying that people can change and maybe they might have their own ideas. Maybe Aro isn't telling them the truth."

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you get hurt Ry. I just found you and now we have a son. I couldn't survive it if you died." Orion teared up at Edward's emotions. Pain. Worry. Panic

Orion smiled then started laughing. He quickly stopped laughing when he felt Edward's hurt. "I wasn't laughing at that love. I should've mentioned this before, but I can't die."

A New Beginning (Harry Potter x Edward Cullen)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu