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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. College is scarily taking up all my time, but I should be less busy as the semester goes on. Enjoy the update!



Esme laughed with him and excused herself. Orion watched her walk to Carlisle. "I hope everything will out alright."

Orion felt Edward put his arms him around him from behind. "Everything will be. Don't worry so much Ry."


As the night dragged on, it was noticeable that Esme, Rosalie, and their mates weren't present. Even with a threat hanging over their heads, they wanted to start the process of having their own child. Alice was still unconscious and will be knocked out for a good while. Sirius, Severus, Luna, and Neville all left to Orion's house to sleep. That left Edward, Jasper, and Orion sitting in the living room.

Orion snuggled closer to Edward and informed Jasper of the different kinds of bonds. "My dad told me about the 3 different types of bonds and we think you have mistaken the Love Bond for the Life Bond."

Orion felt a tiny bit of Jasper's sadness in his chest. "What exactly is a life bond?"

"It's when you pretty much owe a debt to someone and you always feel the need to pay it off," Orion explained.

Jasper hummed. He looked absolutely devastated and no one could blame him. He found out in one night that not only is Alice not his mate, but she has been playing all of them from the beginning. 

Orion could see Jasper was working himself up so he got up from Edward's embrace and hugged Jasper. The vampire stiffened, but relaxed entirely. "I'm so sorry Jasper."

Jasper tightened his arms around Orion. "It's not your fault. Besides, this means that I have a mate somewhere out there and that makes it a little better."

Orion held him for a couple more minutes before releasing him. He turned to Edward and said in his mind, "Are you alright love? You're being quiet."

Edward smiled softly and nodded his head. The three of them sat in silence before Orion rubbed at his chest. (I don't know if I mentioned Teddy or not) He was confused as to what he was feeling, but felt his eyes widen. Teddy. How can he forget his godson? He started to panic and said a quick goodbye to Edward. 

"I have to go Ed but I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." Orion all but ran out the door and apparated straight to his house. He ignored the calls towards him and went to the floo. Orion figured that something happened to Andromeda and he felt it through the bond he had with Teddy.

He spoke the words and he stumbled out of the floo at Andromeda's. He heard the cries of his godson and saw two Aurors trying to calm him down. "What happened?" Orion demanded.

The two Aurors straightened and Orion could feel relief coming from them. "Mrs. Tonks suffered from a heart attack a few hours ago. Since a baby lives here alone with her, we were alerted when she died."

Orion let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. His godson was still crying and he couldn't stand the panic that was coming from the 7 month old. Orion went to Teddy and hugged him to his chest. "Shh it's alright Ted."

He could feel Teddy calming down and he looked at the Aurors. "I'm his godfather. Am I allowed to take him to my home in America?"

.The blonde one was the one who responded. "Yes that's alright. Are you planning on having him as you heir?"

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