Trial and Destination

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After the Minister left, Orion and Sirius were discussing on where to go. Both wanted to go to America, but they were having trouble on deciding where. "What about Forks, Washington? Remus mentioned a while ago that wolf shifters live there. We wouldn't be completely without magic," Sirius suggested.

Orion thought it over. It wouldn't be so bad. "Okay then. Forks it is." He honestly didn't care where he went as long as his dad was with him. Orion went to Gringotts to take care of business. As he went over all of the statements, he noticed that Dumbledore was also taking money out of his vaults. Not only that but money has been withdrawn a month before he started Hogwarts. Griphook had summoned all of James' belongings that have been taken over the years. He was shocked over how many personal things they had stolen. He made himself calm down because he knew that tomorrow they would get what's coming to them.


When Orion woke the next day, he quickly got dressed and went to wake his dad. Seeing his bed empty, he wandered to the kitchen. Smothering a laugh, he stood at the doorway just staring at his dad. He was dancing around the kitchen in a pink, ruffled apron. When his father twirled towards his son, he stopped dead in his tracks. Feeling his dad's embarrassment, he broke into laughter.

"What in Merlin are you doing?" Harry gasped out.

Noticing his son's grey eyes shine, he couldn't help but feel as if everything is going to be okay. He tried to get rid of the pink in his cheeks and cleared his throat. "I'm making breakfast for my favorite son," he said with mirth.

"Hey I'm your only son. I hope I'm your favorite," Orion joked. He felt a little weight lift off his shoulders to see his dad so relaxed. He knew it couldn't be easy for him and he respected how he was trying.

Sirius finished making breakfast and quickly took his seat. While reaching for the French toast and eggs he asked, "Are you ready for the trial pup?" 

"I'm more than ready," Orion said. "I just hope they question them under veritaserum so we could know just exactly what their plans were. Also, I sent a Patronus to Snape saying when and where the trial is. He said he would be there."

Trying to diffuse the tension Sirius began talking about his birth while they ate. "When you were born, we knew that Dumbledore would try and use you so we couldn't let him find out I was your dad. We had to glamour your appearance. Usually it wouldn't work but Lily, James, and I put a lot of magic into it and we were able to pull it off. That's why you had Lily's eyes,' he paused to push back the fringe in front of his son's eyes, 'but I am so happy to see you have my eyes."

Orion's eyes softened and couldn't help the overwhelming joy he was feeling. He was so happy he had his dad. Everything seemed right in that moment in time and he was reluctant to break the moment. "I love you dad," Orion said softly.

Sirius' eyes widened before tearing up. "I love you to pup."

They both smiled widely at each other before finishing eating. They grabbed onto the cup that was made into a portkey and they both grabbed onto it. Feeling the pull in his navel, he tried to steady himself when they landed. He hated wizard transportation and wished he could just drive a car like a muggle.

Arriving in the courtroom, Orion squared his shoulders and walked with his head held high. Once again everyone was commenting on his looks. He rolled his eyes and did his best to ignore all of the emotions that were filling him up. It was easier said than done and he focused on his dad's emotions instead. Nervousness. Eagerness. Hope. Happiness. He smiled inwardly, happy with the fact that he and his dad were moving away from the Wizarding World.

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