Draco's Coming?

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update! With UNI ending and starting a new job, I kinda lost creativity for a while. I'm going to try and finish this story before August.

BTW thank you for everyone who comments, votes, and reads this story! It honestly means so much to me that you guys enjoy my writing xoxo💚
After laughing at both Sirius and Severus, Orion grabbed Teddy. Teddy squealed put his tiny hands on his cheeks. Orion melted and looked at his new son with fond eyes. He kissed Teddy's chubby cheeks and was delighted to hear him laugh.

Laughing himself, Orion turned to Edward and saw him lifting both of the wizards onto the couch. "I can't believe I'm going to be getting a sibling. I didn't even know my gift can sense babies in the womb."

"It must be because they are wizards. It seems magic can do a lot more than we ever thought.' Edward walked to Orion and caressed his cheek. 'I'm so glad I found you Ry. I'm no longer just surviving, I'm living and it's thanks to you. I can't wait to spend eternity with you."

Orion flushed and kissed Edward, being careful of the baby in his arms. "I'm glad I met you to Ed. Even though we have only really known each other for a few days, I can't imagine myself without you. I can feel you in my soul and our magic in my veins. There is no me without you."

Edward smiled widely and kissed Orion on both his cheeks. Before he could properly kiss him, a voice interrupted him. "Wow."

They both turned and saw both Severus and Sirius looking at them curiously. Severus had his arm wrapped aorund Sirius' waist and Orion can feel the happiness coming from him. He knew how unsettled Severus was with Orion's gift and didn't say anything.

Orion shifted the giggling baby in his arms. "Wow what?"

"It's jsut the two of you. You haven't known each other for a week, yet your bond is very strong. Have you...consumated it?" Severus sneered.

Orion turned bright red and stuttered out a no. This was awkward and Orion was at risk of passing out. Why did Snape of all people have to say that.

Sirius began laughing at his son's cherry red face. "Come on pup. He was just asking."

Severus cracked a tiny smile. Orion stood with his mouth hanging open at him. "What in the merlin is going on. I'm joking with Severus Snape of all people."

Orion momentarily forgot about his mate's ability and winced when he felt his fury. "Don't Ed. It's over and done with."

Edward growled lowly at Severus, scooting even closer to Orion. Severus looked at him confused. "What's wrong with your vampire Orion?"

Orion tightened his grip on the dozing baby in his arms and laughed uneasily. "My mate is a little angry at your um.. earlier treatment of me. During school."

Just as the words left his mouth, both his dad and Severus stiffened. It seems they both forgot about Severus bullying Orion.

Edward on the other hand was listening to Sirius' thoughts. "How did I forget about that? Do we just forget about it? Severus and Orion already got that over with and he apologized." Edward was genuinely surprised with Sirius. He seemed to always put Orion first. Yes, they put it behind them but that doesn't excuse Severus' treatment of him when he was only a child. Orion admires Severus, but has his doubts about whether or not he could truly look past James.

Orion conjured a small bed for the infant before hugging Edward's front. "It's in the past love. It doesn't bother me," he stopped when Edward just started at him, well it doesn't bother me much." He wasn't lying. It only bothers him because Severus seems to still not trust or like him very much.

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