Small bump

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Chapter 6:

Nialls POV

I was in love as soon as I saw her. She picked out deep purple and corn field yellow paint. We walked around the store like a couple who've been together for ever.

We walked around hand in hand. I loved the way she would help with getting things off high selfs for old people. She wasn't taller then me though.

We paid for the paint then walked to the car-park. "We're going to flower field shopping centre now."

I smiled then looked out the window. "Thanks babe." she said. I loved the way she said that.

I pulled in a park spot right out side the store I wanted to go into. Summer fun. It was a clothes store.

I opened the door and walked to her side to open hers. I locked the car and the doors closed. Awsome right?

I interlocked fingers with her and she smiled. "What age are you niall?" she asked. "45" I said. she stopped and spat on the ground. "Uhhh I kissed a 45 year old!? In flap kack!ng 18!"

I laughed. "Anna I'm only 19 gosh jkjk!" she slapped me on the arm. I winked at her then stopped. I pulled her to face me and kissed her on the nose then lips.

"promise well never fight for real Ni Ni? Pinky promise?" I locked fingers with her and she kissed me. "I love you."

We walked into the shop and went to the swim section. There was only bikinis. Boo yeah! She picked out a red one. "I'm goin to try this on. Coming?" I nodded and sat on the couch while she got changed.

Just then the boys walked over to me and sat be side me. "How ya find me?" I asked. "Saw you walk in here. We were here already. Whats she trying on?" Zayn asked. "Binki!" she shouted from the stall. Me and the lads smirked.

"I'm bring her to the beach we ki- we kite sailed on." I whispered. "Ohhh sure kite sailing."

Just then the stall door opened and she looked HOT! All are jaws dropped to the floor. " Is it really that ugly? I'll got get another one then." she said looking sad. Zayn pulled her arm and we all coursed "No! You look HoT!" we started laughing.

"Thanks guys. I'll go get changed back." she said walking back to the stall. "awwwwww. Come back! No I'm melting." I said. Harry said 'Awww' and Lou said 'come back'. Funny shit.

She came out with the Binki. I got up and she kissed Lou, Harry, Liam and Zayns cheeks and said "thanks"

When she came to me

She kissed my nose then my lips. The boys stared in confusion. I mouthed' tell ya later' to them. They nodded.

"I'm going to pay ill meet you out side."

I nodded and left. She told me she would pay in the car because I payed for the paint. I left it at that.

"So are you and Anna a thing now or?" Liam asked. "Not really. I'm bringing her to beach were we kissed for a bit. She's a good kisser aswell." I said the last bit to myself.

We saw her coming to us a huge smile on her face. She started running so I turned to face the door. She jumped on my back. I gave her a jocky back to the car.

I told the boys I'd see them at home. I got into the car with a huge grin on my face. "Why so happy Niall?" Anna asked. "I'm happy because I found my true love. You." I said looking into her eyes.

"Awwwwww your my true love Niall. What if I picked my suitcase in stead of yours? We never would have each other. I love you Niall. I know we just met and all but I'm in love. As soon as you fell down those stairs I knew it was you. Your the one niall. Every kiss is better then the last." I kissed her deeply. She was amazing. I'm in love.

I pulled back from the kiss. "I feel the same way. I love you so much words can't explain. By the way what's your number?" I asked randomly. She smiled. "We're in love with each other and we don't even have each others phone numer. Wow." she laughed.

Her laugh was so cute. I have her my phone to put in the number. She gave my hers. "My phones really shity. I can't get a new one cause I can't afford it. It's stupid."

I smiled. "Wait here would you. I'll be back in 5. You play on my phone. I just forgot something." she nodded and I left the car and ran into the store.

I went into the apple store and bough her the same phone as me. White iPhone 5. I know she's going to say 'I can't take this Niall' but I'm going to make her.


What ya think please comment. Sorry I can't really update my internets beign a fuck tart again:( I'm getting a new one though so :) bye my orange zebra :3

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