Small bump (niall horan)

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Anna Janes POV:

I started to break my heart out laughing. Louis joke was so freaking funny. Then we stopped when there was a huge crash.

A boy with bleach blond hair fell down the stairs. He hit he's head pretty hard by the looks of it.

Louis started to laugh, but then relised he was unconscious. "Louis! Calm down! It's ok I know what to do." I grinned evilly.

I whispered to Liam, Louis and Zayn. They burst out laughing. " He needs mouth to mouth! Zayn you know!"

He shot up into the air so quickly. Me and the boys start breaking are hearts out laughing. It was gas!

When I looked into his eyes, I froze. I thought it was only me and him lost in are own world. His eyes.....

They were beautiful. I was sad when Lou coughed. His name was Niall. Amazing.

Best part was he was Irish. I tried not to make contact with his eyes because I know I'm just going to frezze.

He looked upset when I didn't really look at him. When I told them about the way I was going to see Kate, they said why don't you move here.

I was glad. When I said no I couldn't, Niall screamed "Please please please!" yes! He wants me to stay.

I think I would like this new life here. Me and Niall stayed at are house- That sounded weird. Are house. The boys house.

Zayn and Liam went to get my bags. They were back in 7 minutes. I loved them. "So lads, is this everyone who lives here?"

They looked at each other then smiled. "Ye. His name is Harry. He's gay. He feels everyone's ass and feels your legs. He does it to girls mostly. Just to have a feel."

Liam cracked a small smile. After a few minutes of me dragging my suitcases up Niall took them. Gosh he was strong.

They led me to a room. It was all white walls. A king sized bed. It had a balcony out side. I could see a hot-tub. They bathroom had a bath and in front of it was a huge window to see the most beautiful view. It was amazing.

"I'll paint it tomorrow. If you want." Niall said. "Kk! I'll help. Thanks Niall!"

The boys told me to rest so I did. That's when darkness took over me.......


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