Small bump (niall horan)

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Nialls pov:

After talking to the boys I went up to my room. I playing drunk by Ed Sheridin on my guitar. I started singing the chorus.

"Maybe will'll get drunk again.

Maybe will'll get drunk again.

Feel a little love-e love."

I stopped when I heard Louis shout" NIALl! SOME GIRL WANTS YOU!" my reply was "WHAT GIRl DOESN'T WANT ME?"

I could hear laugh. A irish laugh. A girls laugh. The girl with the suitcase! Hope shes not an ugly girl.

Better go downstairs. When I walked down I those stairs, I- I just-. I stopped half way down the stairs to see a dark haired brunette with hazel eyes.

When I heard her laugh to Louis, I feel in love. I was staring at her, frozen, when I fall down the stairs.

Thats when every thing went black......


I could hear, but not open my eyes just yet. I could hear Lou say" He needs mouth to mouth! Zayn you know!" I screamed and my

Eyes opened.

"Told you that would get him awake!" the most beautiful girl laughs. She didn't really see me and when she did she froze.

Just like I did. We made eye contact. Her eyes. There so perfect. I was in love.

Lou coughed loudly so we could stop this wonderful gaze. "Niall, meet Anna-Jane. Anna meet Niall!"

Her name. Wow. I walked over to her to give her a handshake. I was still staring at her deeply.

That's when Zayn tripped me up. I fall flat on my face. Anna giggled. It was cute.

Thanks to Zayn Anna thinks I'm a clutz. Reminder: kill Zayn. Anna helps me up. As soon as we touched there were fireworks.

She smiled when we touched. Liam smirked at me not taking eyes off this girl.

"My Niall is name." I blurted out without thinking. Liam, Lou and Zayn brust out laughing. "I mean, I'm Niall. Your Irish ye?"

" Ye I know your from mullengar. My dad's from there. In from finglas in Dublin."

She knew me like that. We were meant to be. "hello? You still there?" she snapped me out of my gaze at her.

"So why are you in Londen?" Liam asked

"Well, I was going to see my friend and her boyfriend who live there. Then her grandad got sick, so I have to find a place to stay cause that hotel costed £350 pounds for the room and breakfast."

Lou's took the words out of my mouth." Anna, we have a spare guest room here if you wanted to stay. Do you want to?"

Please, please and please I said to myself. "Gosh Niall you really want her to stay. Calm down." oh fuge! Now she thinks I'm a creep who likes her.

"Guys, I can't just do that. Plus you have a life of your own to worry about. Thanks for the offer."

"I will not take no for a answer." said Liam. Thank you!







O my god! Liam, if I say yes will you Shut up?

Sure thing"

We looked at each other for a moment. "I'll go over and get my stuff. Or Zayn could do it for me? Or Liam? Or Louis?"

Why didn't she pick me? "What about Niall?"

"he's Irish and Nialls' cu- Niall Irish and Irish are awesome. So are Brits, but ah."

"haha! In your face! What were you about to say before you got cut off?"

Silence. This was a good thing.


What ya think? Kk byexxxxxxxxxxx:*************

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