Small bump

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Anna Janes POV

When we pulled into the car park outside the hotel I lifted the cute little puppy and held it in my arms. I was in love with this dog. It's so cute!

We took the lift because I was to lazy to walk up the stairs. Niall pressed the button to our floor.

"What are ya goin ta call it?" Niall asked pettin the cutie pie. "Ni." I said. He smiled looking down at me.

The lift dinged and we walked out hand in hand.

When we got to the door in flew open to a grinnin Lou.

"Awwwwww the at it! It's so cute!" Lou said pinching my cheeks. "Haha funny. We found it on the beach. I'll keep it in my room of you don't like it. Or I'll give it away."

I replied sadly. I wanted to keep it. It's super cute. "A! Let me hold it for a while." I handed him the pup. "Don't do anything stupid. Feed it. Please." I shouted walking up the stairs.


Nialls POV

"Niall do you want to start painting the room now? We could leave it till mornin' if ya like?"

I nodded then smiled at the thought if us painting till 3 am. Random. I brought the paint from the kitchen and carried the to her room.

"A? Where are you!?" I scream/yelled. "I'm cumin!" she replied openin the door. "Ready?" she nodded with a huge grin across her face.

We began taking the desk and put it outside the door. Then the lockers, suitcases and lamps and shit. Then her bed.

Louis jumped on the bed when we were lifting it. A dropped it and laughed. Me and her joined Lou.

"Weres Ni?" Louis pegged it down the stairs and brought him back up and layed back down on the bed. A brought him right up to her face and he licked it.

I snapped a photo and put it as my background pic. Me and a were still my screen saver. I also put it on twitter.


'A and her new lover :( his name is Ni. Louis is beside me and being funny. C ya later! Have to paint A's room.


I put the phone in my pocket and A and Louis fhones buzzed Anna Jane took a look at her phone.


'thx Nialler! Ni is my new bf! (btw I'm snapping my fingers in a z formation!) let's paint bitchisssssssss!)))))!'

Lou, Liam, Harry and Zayn liked it all ready! Along with 800,547 people......

I grabbed her off the bed and Ni, and we got started on the room. We'd gotten paint brushes in the shop. We played music too.

She danced around the room twirling, brushing paint in random places. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Her hair flung out when she twirled. The music played on until a song came on. Drunk. Our song. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to me.

I expected her to slow dance but no, she put a huge lump of yellow paint on my nose. She burst into a fit of giggles. I looked so dumb. I stood there with a weird look on my face.

Then she went back to painting and started singing quietly to the words. She didn't even know I was recording it.

"I wanna be drunk when I wake up.

On the right side of the wrong bed

And never excuse I made up.

Tell you the truth what didn't kill my never made me stronger at all."

The words slipped out of her mouth perfectly. I was going to enjoy her being around. I hope she doesn't get hate.

Oh shit. She doesn't know I'm in a band called one direction, and that some fans give hate 24 7.


Like? Comment r vote please. Merry Christmas and happy birthday Lou!

( on the 24!):)))))

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