Pathetic Police

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Valentine Clown was sitting on a chair opposite a single police men , he was in a very confined room . All he could think about is that fool . Everything that the policemen said didn't even register in his insane mind , they were just mumbles . He was still in his classic suit and tie along with his mask . The policemen started to click his fingers in front of Valentine Clown to get his attention . Valentine Clown looked around , he needed to get out . Aha , there was his deck of cards on the table in one of those evidence bags . Alright , looks like he will have to cooperate in order to get a hold of them . He sat upright and looked at the policemen opposite him . The policemen asked " Valentine Clown , could we please start with your name ? " . Silence fell onto the room , it was crawling along the walls and on our skin . Valentine Clown doesn't even remember the name that his parents gave him . He only remembers the abuse . " Alright well I guess we'll just have to see what's under that mask now shouldn't we ? " His blank palm got closer and closer to Valentine Clown , reaching for his mask . He flinched and rocked the chair back onto the wall . " Huh , come on now . I'm sure whatever's under there isn't that bad " he spoke with authority . Valentine Clown leaped of his chair and grabbed the policeman by the hand . With his other hand got the deck of cards and pulled out a card of hearts . He put his finger over his lips and forced the card down the policemen's mouth and throat . He's going to burst into flames from the inside , quite literally . While doing his little project , a security guard came through the door with a gun up ready to shoot Valentine Clown . He let out a faint giggle and clicked his fingers . The policemen got engulfed in flames and started to cry for help . The security guard , distracted , tried to help the guy . Meanwhile Valentine Clown got out a card of spades . These particular cards had been manufactured to be explosives . A grenade if you will . He threw the card towards the wall creating a clear way out into the night . Debris and dust were latching onto the now blown off wall . Valentine Clown made a swift exit out , cleaning himself of dust .

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