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That night, there was a fierce atmosphere, making the air thick and difficult to breath. I was no stranger to panic attacks, they often swept over me late at night when I had too many thoughts running through my head but this time it was a whole new experience. I was in an unfamiliar world with bugs who didnt know my insecurities, miles away from Penny and Layla. I would always go to them... but they're not here this time. Guess I was too reliant on them.

This night, fearful thoughts dominated my mind. Not uncommon but still not enjoyable. I wasn't even sure what I was panicking about. Perhaps being in a whole new kingdom? But I was fine last night, in fact, last night had been very pleasant so what had changed?
Restlessly, I tossed and turned within the soft sheets of my bed, trying to get comfortable and trying to rid this panicking from my mind.

It was well into the night before I inadvertently tired myself put from being anxious for too long. At last my eyelids felt heavy and began to slowly close and my shoulders relaxed. Feeling comfortable I let myself fall into a slumber...

Red? Why so much red? Aren't I asleep? Slowly, I sit up, my tired eyes glancing from side to side, only to see blurry shapes of red and dry looking blues. After a few moments, the blurry shapes form into these weird tubes? They were clumsily stitched together with poor needle work, as were the walls and falls. The place was humid, the air was think with warmth. Begurdingly, I stood up, this reminded me of the Grimm Troupe, the reds were a dead give away. But what were they doing in my dream? I heard that the Troupe Master was the Nightmare King... so was this a nightmare? Most likely. For the situation, I felt unusually calm, I guess it was dream, none of it was real anyway. Aimlessly, I wondered these halls, nothing about them changing, reminding me of the identical halls back at the Abraxis foundation...

"Are you lost?"
I quickly pivot on heel, turning to see the recognisable figure that was Vulikre.

"I guess... I'm not really sure where this place is" I tried to keep my voice steady, many thoughts were swarming in my head, there were so many questions I wanted ask.

"Hmmm, the Nigtmare realm is here..."
"I... I met you in the gallery didnt I?" My voice sounded cautious, I was well aware of that.

"That we did... i though it would be prudent to talk to you... we'd make an aquatence with eachother later on regardless. That and you were admiring the painting, most bugs walk past it without a second thought..."
She sounds very... regal with the way she spoke

"But the painting is beautiful, walking past it should be a crime"
Vulikre chuckled at my words.
"My my Asha, you'll fit in well at the Troupe"
... wait what?

I jolted awake, I felt like I was burning up with a thick layer of sticking sweat drenching me. Gross. My breathing was erratic and needed to calm down so I sat there for a few moments, letting my heart rate return to normal...

Why do these strange dreams keep happening? The one with floating islands and weird statue while I was back the foundation and now this one? I'm starting to see a pattern and I don't like it.

After that, I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how hard I tired so I sat awake till the morning. To be honest, I dreaded today, I felt awful but I didn't want the others to have to cancel their plans because I wasn't feeling well. What kind of health care did bugs even have?
So I tossed and turned all night long, not being able to feel comfortable in the slightest until the palace began to light up, signifying it was day time... I grumbled at how bright it had become. Quirrel or Hornet would come by soon and they'd see the absolute mess I am. Begrudgingly, I sat up in bed, trying to get my eye used to the increased light intensity and it worked for the most part.

After a few minutes a familiar soft sounding knock was heard at my door.
"Asha? Are you awake yet?" Quirrel asked through the door.

I grumbled in response as I burried my face in the pillow, I wished I wasn't awake. I heard the door creak open which only made me grumble again.
"Asha? Are you alright?" Quirrel quickly hurried over to my bed and sat down by my side.

"Not really" my voice was muffled from speaking into the cushion.
"What's wrong?" Concern laced his voice, gosh he was to kind to me.

"I feel really hot and sluggish and my head aches really bad..." rolling over so I was on my front, I got to see how worried Quirrel looked.

"Stay here Asha, I'll get the royal physician at once" with that, he hurriedly left the room. Well, I wasn't planning on going anywhere so I got snuggled into my bed sheets again, trying to convince my body to stop trembling.

Some time later, perhaps a few minutes Quirrel rushed back in with another bug. They were tall, so tall they had to duck down to get through the doorway. Their shell was segmented and a dazzling white, they wore a long blue dress? Wasn't sure what was but it drapped down into the floor with a thick black belt, upon her hips rest vials filled with colourful liquids, what looked to be herbs and even an old, worn looking book. Upon her head was this strange white tuft which I assume was hair and these long antennae that fell all the way down to her waist.
Needless to say, I felt rather pathetic in her presence. They confidently strode over to me, taking large steps everytime. She perched on the side of my bed like Quirrel had earlier.

"I am Umar, I am the royal physician. Allow me to check on your condition" her accent was heavy on her words, sounded like she incorrectly pronounced some of the words. Understandable, English obviously isn't her first language. Gently, nodding in response, I gave her the go ahead to do what she needed to do.

"You say you are hot? Bad headache?"
Again, I nodded, my throat was rather sore and I didnt want to strain it any further. Umar hummed in response...

"... did you dream in night?"
What? Why did she need to know that? Well, I trust that she's helping, the bugs world is different, maybe dreams can cause sickness?

"Y-yeah, I dreamt last night"
"In the Nightmare realm?" Her voice was hushed and soft, almost lulled me back into sleep.

"I think it was..."
"Then we have it... visiting the Nightmare realm can have affects on us. You need rest and medicine"
Her long, spindly hands reached to one of the vials hanging on her belt. It was filled with a crimson liquid, I thought it could have been blood but it was too bright and didnt flow right. Umar pulled the cork off and held it to my lips. Drinking it, a pleasantly sweet taste hit my toung, I almost craved more before he pulled it away, sealing it with the cork again. Rising from the bed, she reminded me of how tall she was. She bowed slightly before turning and striding out of the room, ducking under the doorway as she left.

Once Umar had departed, Quirrel joined me by my side again.
"I'm dreadfully sorry this happened, I can't imagine being bed bound is fun... I had hoped to take you to the Coliseum of Fools today..."

I chuckled slightly at Quirrel.
"It's alright, can't help getting sick but I'll have you to keep me company."

"Do you remember your dream at all? It's not amazingly common to end up in the Nightmare realm during a dream"

After hearing this question, I tried my best to recall the events of my dream but it turned up to be rather fuzzy. However, I did remember Vulikre was there.

"Not much, Vulikre was there... the same bug I met in the gallery yesterday"

Quirrel hummed in response, I knew something was up, he had told the Pale King about our trip to the gallery, so they were obviously keeping tabs on me... honestly, I couldn't blame them. Humans don't have a brilliant track record. I just wondered why. Even so, I enjoyed spending time with Quirrel. I simply adored Ghost and admired his older sibling Hollow and Hornet. I'm glad I came to Hallownest, even if I do miss Penny and Layla.

"Well, you must be hungry!" he proclaimed. "I'll bring you some food right away and let the others know of your illness"

Thanking him, he left the room. Sitting up agaisnt the headboard, I let my thoughts drift a bit... a mistake on my part as my mind wondered back to foundation...

Something was wrong. End of. But what was wrong? I still need to figure that out. This whole arrangement, this whole exchange thing was odd, it came from our of nowhere and why was it kept under wraps? Something is going on and I think the Pale King have the same feeling I do, he seems cautious of me at times. Not afraid, just suspicious. Abraxis foundation, what are you really trying to do?

(Heyo, so it's been a while- sorry about that. Basically, my life is a mess but who's isn't these days? I tried my best to write a good chapter and I hope you weren't put off such a long break and still enjoy it. Thank chu everyone for being pacient with me. 💙
See any mistakes? Please let me know-)

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