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Enjoy the new chapter, it's like 2am right now so I'm going sleep.
Lemme know if you see any mistakes.


Sleepless nights were a common thing for me, yet this one was different. It was dirvied from fear. Fear of something finding me. My eyes remained fixated on the door all hours of the night, dreading a certain dark figure to show up...

Yet he never did...

Perhaps Grimm had found it amusing more than anything, after all, I was a foolish human, him seeing me probably ment nothing to him. I hope. We seemed to always be so much less than bugs... but we all still die. Suppose that was one thing that could unite us...

Could Grimm even die?

I'd never heard a story of one of these great bugs perishing, maybe they couldn't die? Wouldn't matter anyway, they're already superior to us...

The heavy bags under my eyes seemed to weigh me down, my shoulders slouching, but it didn't bother me. For my lack of sleep, I was feeling rather with it. Would the others be concerned? Most likely, but I could play it off.

Waiting for the final hour for morning to come and the lights to brighten once again, I occupied myself with just about anything my eyes could see.

The rug on the floor. The cravings on the bed frame. The reflection in the mirror. The potted flowers on the windowsill, so many details I neglected to pay attention to before.

Slowly, the lights began to to brighten from their dimmed state, wonderful. Morning already. Now that it was here, I simply longed for it to the night once again.

Slipping out of the covers of my bed, I padded over to the tall wardrobe and donned a new outfit for the day. It once again being a pure white like everything else in this palace and since I felt oh so comfortable navigating the hallways, I left my room to the dining room where breakfast would be served.

Felt funny, being used to such a lavished life style, Layla would surely love to live like this, however, Penny seemed to prefer a more modest life style so maybe not so great for her. I dreamt of my friends back home, hopefully they miss me, I know I miss them.

I briefly closed my eyes, picturing their faces, remembering the picnic we had in the park before I had left... I do miss that. In a strange way, Hornet and Ghost almost felt like Penny and Layla. Hornet was stern yet motherly, just like Penny. Ghost was always itiching for a fight and excitable, just like Layla...

Strolling into the dining room, I layed eyes on the White Lady and her two sons, Hollow and Ghost. Hornet was not here yet, that or I has already missed her, she was known for being quick on her feet or so I was told.

Sitting in my spot, next to Ghost, I was greeted with a "good morning" from a cheerful White Lady, a series of chirps from Ghost and a nod of the head from Hollow.

Me and Hollow ate in confortable silence while the White Lady and Ghost held each other in conversation. A strange thing to listen to since I couldn't understand a thing Ghost said.

The White Lady turned her attention to me.
"Did you sleep well Asha?"
"Very well, how about you?" I lied through my teeth, a bad habit on my part yet I often lied to others about this.

"Oh I slept wonderfully Asha" she went on for a while more and I hate to say I spent more time trying to look like I was paying attention than actually paying attention.

After a while of calmly eating the delicately prepared food, Hollow stood up from his chair  and lumbered to my side. I carefully watched as he signed to me, doing my best to remember what I had been taught a couple of days before. Slowly, I understood what he wanted. He wanted me to follow him.

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