Why the Rain is Warm

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Ok, hi hello, I'm back. Not dead yet. As always, sorry this took so long to write.

Enjoy the chapter, please tell me about spelling mistakes and happy birthday to me.


Groggily, my eyes slowly pried themselves open, once again greeted with the harsh white walls.

Rolling over onto my side, I pulled the bed sheets closer to my face, wanting to bury myself in their never ending softness. Yesterday had been very much enjoyable, but it had left me feeling drained and I never was much of a morning person.

Slowly, I pulled myself into an upright position, understanding that I needed to start my day soon. I didn't want to be impolite.

Rummaging through my wardrobe, I found more freshly pressed robes the retainers must have put in here when I was out at the Colosseum yesterday. Not bothered by which one I wore, they looked the same anyway, I grabbed the closest one to me. This one had particularly nice belt with an ornate clasp at the front.

Quickly, I slipped on and tightened the belt around my middle to a comfortable degree and left my room.
Swiftly walking down the halls, I ran into none other than Hollow.

"Good morning Hollow!" I cheerily called. His head swerved to look at me, his eyes arching up to convey happiness.

He signed 'Good morning' back to me. His extended towards me and linked itself with mine. Such an act made me softly smile so arm in arm, we continued down the hallway till we reached the palace dining room.

Together, we walked through the wide, open doors, greeted with the sight of the grand table. The rest of the family was already here, including the Pale King who was obviously seated at the head of the table, once again as elegant as an ethereal being, his white robe fluttering in a non-existent breeze. Very slowly, his head turned up to gaze at me, the empty black eyes boring into me.

I hadn't spoken to him since the night on the balcony... but I had seen him that night with Grimm.

Oh no... it had never even occoured to me that he might have noticed my presence that night as well... if Grimm could, surely he would be able to.

Hollow gave my arm a light squeeze of reassurance as we both took out places at the table. Quickly, the retainers swooped in, laying the silver plates of food before me and Hollow before fluttering of in the wind like they'd never been there in the first place.

Glancing to my side, I saw Hollow mindlessly poking the food, seemingly uninterested in eating anything.
We all sat in uncomfortable silence, apparently the Pale Kings presence weighed on his children, especially Hollow it would seem.

However, the White Lady seemed perfectly content as always, whether it was because she was oblivious to tension or simply didn't care about it was unclear, but if I were to wager... probably the first option.

Abruptly, the Pale King stood, his chair scraping across the floor. Surprised, we all swiftly looked over. Unsurprisingly, his face remained emotionless.

"Asha. Come with me." Monotonous was his voice, not wavering for a second. It made me shiver.

Complacent as ever, I stood and hurried after him as he'd already turned and begun to leave.

We stopped.

At that same balcony.

So there were stood, in silence. This situation was beginning feel awfully familiar.

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