Why Me?

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I walked behind boss in an uncomfortable silence. He hurried through the long corridors, people moving out of the way for him and me struggling to keep up. The whole time I was tempted to ask him where we were going but I decided against doing so, I wasn't going to risk angering him.

We stepped into a shiny elevator and stood, once again, in silence. It was nauseating. Boss was an intimidating man. He stood tall above me, nearly 6 ft I was guessing. His dark brown hair was combed back and had a sickly shine to it from hair gel. His skin was sagging from age and wrinkles surround his eyes. Despite his worn face, his black suit was crisp and well maintained and had a professional aura around him.

Soon, the elevator came to halt and ping rang out. The doors slowly parted and he stepped out into his office. I shyly followed. I felt small and insignificant in his large office. It was grand with most of the walls housing large windows which gave him full view of the city below and the white walls and floors reflected the sunlight into my face. He walked round his desk and sat upon a comfy looking leather chair then gestured towards a chair on the other side. I nervously sat down on the chair.

"So, how are you Miss Tusken"
"I'm fine I guess..." of course I was flat out lying. I was freaking out, panicking! Why did he want me here?!

"Is that so? Well, let's move to the point of this meeting. As you know, the Abraxis foundation is ment keep peace between humans and bugs. To do so, of course we have those meetings with higher beings... but its come to my attention that they may not be enough..."

"Well, how does that have anything to do with me?"

"Good question Miss Tusken, you see a few bugs are coming from Hallownest to stay here for a while. Their culture is very important to them so they have come to the agreement to try and understand ours... we must do the same, so I have selected a few people to go to Hallownest and you... are one of the people have chosen.

In the midst of my mind swimming with panic and confusion, one single question slipped out of my mouth

"...why me?"

(Sorry for the shorter than usual chapter but I hope you like it regardless. Sorry it took so long to write :( I'll try ans get the next one out soon)

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