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A wrenching feeling of sickness brew in my gut. I didn't know why but something felt weird. I'm somewhat ashamed to say my eyes darted towards Grimm, I shouldn't assume he's malicious or has unsavory intentions but... was my feeling of dread coming from him? He did make me uneasy...

Hastily turning away and focusing back on my task, I saw everyone leave calmly. The higher beings left as a group, the pale king leading the way. People parted out of the way for them, afraid of getting in the way or annoying them but as my eyes fell upon Grimm that sickening feeling overwhelmed me at once. I shifted uncomfortablely but it didn't take him long to leave.

With the meeting over and it apparently being a resounding success, many of us were celebrating. I was dragged down to the pub along with my friends Layla and Penny. The bar was filled with merry music and cheers as people indulged on alcohol, a thing the foundation rarely let the employees do."I say, that's been the best meeting yet!" Exclamied Layal. "Not one of them were displeased with proposal!" Penny and me laughed at Layla in unison. "Alright calm down Layla" Penny spoke up "just remember nothing is set in stone at the moment, it's still too early to say what's gonna happen" but it seemed Layla was not discourage one bit.

As night moved into greater darkness many people, including myself, started to head back. We didn't really have homes per say, The foundation provided everything for us, including accommodation, so we were all heading back there. Expect of course the few who were taking advantage of the rare occasion and where drinking as much as they possibly could. One of those people being Layla. Neither me or Penny could convince her to come back with us so we left her to get drunk or whatever. We walked most the way in silence until... "Did Grimm scare you?" Penny timidly asked. "Yeah... he did. There was this... uneasy feeling I got when I looked at him..." I responded. "Why was he even there?" Penny asked as well but our conversation was rudely interrupted by the rain that sprung upon us out of nowhere. We had to quickly dash the rest of the way there and split up, going to our separate rooms.

I knew in the back of my head, people were going to be talking about Grimm for days now.

(Just wanna give a small thank you to the people who have been reading this, it does mean a lot. Stay tuned for the next part^^)

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