Chapter Eleven

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   Sans was lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. It wasn't real, Sans told himself, it was just another dream. He tapped his bony fingertips together repeatedly, rapidly. He continued to stare at the ceiling as he thought about what he had seen. All of a sudden, the front door began to unlock. Sans popped his head up with surprise, but was happy when he realized that it must have been his father, Gaster. And indeed, it was.
   Gaster opened the door. "Sans, I got your message.", Gaster said, running to Sans quickly as he shut the front door behind him. "Are you okay? Do you still have 1 HP? What was the nightmare about?" Sans was overwhelmed by the amount of questions Gaster was asking.
   "Dad!", Sans exclaimed, making Gaster become silent.
   "Sorry.", Gaster said. "It's just my father instinct to be worried about you, Sans."
   Sans nodded. "I know. So to answer your questions, yes, I'm okay. Yes, I still have 1 HP. It didn't go down this time. And about the nightmare...", Sans trailed off. He looked back to the ceiling. He then looked at Papyrus's room. Then he looked down to himself, touching his torso lightly.
   "What?", Gaster asked. Sans sighed. He looked up to his father.
   "Well, it was a bad one. You were in some kind of Void and everyone forgot about you. And there was a human... but it was two humans in one body. One took over the other and the human killed everyone. Even...", Sans looked at Papyrus's room as a tear began to form in his eye. "We were older. Papyrus was so grown up, even taller than me. And the human killed him. He was innocent, did nothing but believe in them, even on the edge of death. But they were heartless. They murdered him."
   "I was the monster who judged people and examined their LV and EXP. When the human came, I battled them. For some reason, I said 'sorry old lady. This is why I never make promises'. I'm not sure why I said that. Then we battled. I killed them over and over, but they kept coming back. Finally, they killed me. The last thing I cared about was Papyrus. But...", Sans trailed off and gripped Gaster's arm tightly, pulling in his father for a hug. "But I suddenly didn't remember you!" Sans began to bawl, crying as hard as he possibly could. He gripped Gaster tightly, tears running down his cheeks like a river. Gaster gripped Sans tightly.
   "You would never do that. I know you wouldn't.", Gaster said. Sans's crying became louder.
   "Dad!", Sans said loudly, crying even harder. "I did though! I forgot you! I didn't know who you were!" Sans seemed to be shouting.
   "It's okay, Sans. It's okay. It was just a nightmare. I'll always be here for you. I love you.", Gaster said, trying to calm Sans down. There was a loud creak as Papyrus opened his door.
   "What is wrong with Sans? Is he awright, Dad?", Papyrus asked. Sans seemed to cry harder at the voice of Papyrus. Gaster waved for Papyrus to come down the stairs and join their hug. Papyrus dashed down the stairs and walked up to his father and older brother. "Sans?", Papyrus said. Sans's eyesockets widened as he looked over Gaster's shoulder and saw Papyrus.
   "Papyrus!", Sans cried out. Gaster and Sans extended their arms out for Papyrus to join their hug. Papyrus leapt into their arms, and they all gripped each other tightly. Sans cried into Gaster's shoulder as Papyrus and Gaster held him tightly, trying to calm him down.
   "It'w be okay, brother.", Papyrus said with a nurturing voice.
   "It was just a nightmare. I will always keep you and your brother safe, no matter what I have to do.", Gaster said calmly.
   Sans's cries began to lighten, still muffled by Gaster's shoulder. The three skeletons sat their, for what seemed like forever, hugging each other tightly, lovingly, with warmth. Soon enough, Sans stopped crying and wiped his tears away. "I love you both so much.", Sans said. Gaster and Papyrus both replied back with "I love you, too". Sans sniffled and went up to his room, Papyrus following to go to his own room. Gaster watched them.
   Even though Sans had been physically effected by the last nightmare, this one seemed worse. This time, Sans had been emotionally and mentally effected. The last one, he didn't cry over, but this one, he had cried for about ten minutes. It had seemed too real. To Gaster, these "dreams" seemed too real and too strong to be dreams. To Gaster, these seemed like visions.
   Gaster sat down on the green couch, staring at the television deep in thought. He thought about what just happened and how traumatized Sans must have been. What a traumatic event it was, probably so bad that he would remember it in his older years. Suddenly, the phone rang, shaking on its holder. Gaster picked it up and lifted the phone to where his ear would have been.
   "Hello?", Gaster asked, waiting to find out who was on the other line.
   "D-D-Dr. Gaster?", Alphys stuttered on the other end of the line, sounding slightly scared or nervous.
   "Yes. What's wrong, Alphys? You voice sounds shaky.", Gaster replied. He himself was beginning to become nervous just from the sound of Alphys's voice.
   "Dr. Gaster, there's...", her voice trailed off. "... another human." Gaster gasped at her words.
   "Where? Who is it? What kind of soul does it have?", Gaster questioned. Everything went wrong with the other human. It could be worse than Chara. Another murder of a human could happen. Asgore had made a law that any human that entered the Underground should be killed and their soul should be served to Asgore. He made that law after Toriel and Asriel left him.
   "Just come to Snowdin. I'll meet you there.", Alphys said. "I'll explain everything when you get here." Gaster nodded at her orders.
   "Of course.", Gaster said.

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