Chapter Twenty-Five

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   Gaster tapped his desk impatiently as he waited for the construction workers that Asgore was supposed to send, the construction workers who were late. He let a frustrated huff escape his mouth, rolling his eyes a bit. Normally, Gaster could tolerate a monster or two being a little late, but this was the entire construction worker crew being two hours late. So of course, Gaster had bit of an attitude whenever the crew showed up.
   The crew came in through the doors, happy as they could possibly be, so Gaster knew that nothing bad happened that would have kept him waiting. One was a grey mouse creature, larger than normal mice, but still so short. Another was a bull creature, brown skin and a nose piercing. These two were the leading construction workers. The others were all animal monsters, and every creature in the room, except for Gaster, was wearing a yellow-and-brown construction uniform with yellow hardhats.
   "You can start by telling me where in the Underground you idiots were. And don't lie to me, or I swear I won't be the only skeleton in this room, alright?!", Gaster said in with a touch of a threatening tone. The mouse, Squeakton, shuddered a bit at the skeleton's frustration. The bull, Asher, looked confused.
   "We're not late, Dr. Gaster. You told us to meet you at 10:00 AM, correct, sir?", Asher asked. Gaster let out a large sigh as he shook his head slowly, squeezing his nasal bone with his bony fingertips.
   "No, you illiterate bull, I told you to get here at 8:00 AM. How in the Underground and Surface did you confuse 8:00 with 10:00?!", Gaster said, offending Asher in the process. Asher had no words to say, basically being roasted by the Royal Scientist. A small chuckle was heard from one of the construction workers, a red one with weird marks on his chest. Asher shot a glare at him.
   "Sorry, I just had to laugh.", the creature, who's name tag read "Axe", said as he chuckled a bit more.
   "Sir, I didn't mean to get the time wrong. I apologize.", Asher said, an annoyed look still remaining on his face.
   "And I apologize for calling you illiterate. It was wrong of me to say.", Gaster reasoned. "Now, I want you guys to each take a copy of these designs right here." He gave printed-off copies of the CORE design to each monster in the crew. Axe seemed so happy when he got his. Not because of the designs, but because of who was handing the designs to him.
   "So, I looked into each of your strengths and weaknesses, so I am assigning you each a certain spot to work on.", Gaster explained. The workers lined up, and so Gaster went down the line, telling them what pieces to work on.
   First, Gaster stepped up to Asher. "As I've read in your paper, one of your strengths is dealing with things that need to be taken down, am I correct?", Gaster asked. Asher nodded in confirmation. "Alright. That means you will work on the items that need to be destroyed in the Hotlands for the CORE to be built symmetrically. Can you handle that?" Asher nodded once more. Gaster pointed at the door behind the bull. "Then get to work." Asher left the room the second he was told. He didn't want to get chewed out again.
   Gaster then stepped over to Squeakton. He bent down to the mouse monster's level. "I read that you can deal with enormous amounts of heat, fire, and even lava. So do you think that you can work on the base and the machines close to and in the lava?", Gaster asked.
   Squeakton stood straight up, gave Gaster a small salute, and gave a loud "Yes sir!" Gaster smiled.
   "I like your attitude. Now get to the lava in the Hotlands.", Gaster said with a bit of a smirk. Squeakton nodded and scurried out of the room. Gaster then looked at another monster. He went down the line of construction workers, assigning them work, and he finally came to the last monster, Axe.
   Axe wore a wide grin on his face. "Alright, you work well with screws and bolts and such. So I'll have you working on several parts of the CORE.", Gaster explained. He pointed out a few areas on Axe's copy of the CORE design. Axe nodded in understanding, but still had a wide smile. Gaster noticed this.
   "Well, I guess that I'll be working on these areas.", Axe said as he began to walk towards the door. But Gaster cut him off.
   "Wait, Axe.", he said, causing Axe to stop in his tracks. He turned around slowly and tilted his head a bit.
   "Yes, Dr. Gaster?", Axe said, waiting to know why he was stopped from leaving. He tilted his head to the side a bit, slightly confused.
   "Why are you so eager to be around me?", Gaster asked. A lot of monsters would be like this at times, but he wasn't completely sure why this one seemed over-excited. Axe widened his eyes a bit. But the he began to laugh loudly, as if he had just heard the funniest joke he had heard in years. Gaster was confused. Axe looked up at Gaster, shaking his head slightly.
   "Well, that's a silly question, Dr. Gaster.", Axe said. Gaster still maintained his facial expression of confusion. "Look, for one, you're the Royal Scientist. Smartest monster in the Underground. And secondly, I am such a big fan of yours!" Gaster had met so many monsters like these over the years, ones that said they were his "fans", or that they said he was a good pick for a scientist. 5, specifically.

   Clam Girl.
   Monster Kid.
   And Axe.

   These monsters had all said that they followed his work. That they were fans. That he was a good Royal Scientist. Gaster had realized that these certain 5 had a different feel to them. Gaster wasn't sure exactly what they would be called. But after a while of thinking while he did his work, he came to a conclusion.

   Gaster Followers.

* * *

   Gaster walked into the Throne Room tiredly. The day had been an extremely long day, and Gaster really didn't need any more problems. "You wanted to see me, King Asgore?", he asked, rubbing one of his eyesockets a bit. Asgore looked up from a book he was reading, pulling a tea cup away from his mouth.
   "Yes, sir, I did.", Asgore responded. "I needed to talk to you about the construction of the CORE." Gaster tilted his head with a bit of confusion.
   "What's wrong with it?", Gaster asked. He knew that from Asgore's tone of voice, there was something wrong. Asgore sighed a bit, shaking his head with a narrowed brow.
   "Don't act like you didn't completely trash Asher.", he said, a bit of a smirk on his face. Gaster looked around, his white pupils dashing anywhere where he couldn't see Asgore, lowering his head a bit, chuckling nervously. Asgore raised an eyebrow. "So, would you like to admit that you had a bad attitude to a co-worker, or should I go ahead and just cancel the CORE project?" Gaster perked his head up.
   "Cancel it?! Just because I won't admit to something?!", Gaster exclaimed. He found the whole deal to be absolutely ridiculous. Asgore shrugged slightly.
   "If you admit, then I won't cancel it.", Asgore said. A slightly mischevious smile was growing across his furry face. Gaster rolled his "eyes" a bit and groaned. He buried his face into his hands, sighing deeply with a shrug. If all he had to do was admit to one small mistake, it was worth it for the CORE. For helping all of the monsters in the Underground.
   "Fine.", Gaster growled, his voice slightly muffled through his hands, only it wasn't fully muffled because of the holes in his hands. "If you really want me to admit it, fine. I may have made a few, should I say... rude comments to Asher." Asgore nodded. "But the thing is-!", Gaster started, but Asgore stopped him.
   "Ah-ah-ah! No 'but's about it.", Asgore interrupted, raising a finger upright in the air. "You were rude to a co-worker." Gaster sighed once more, lifting his face from his hands, and nodded.
   "Alright, fine. I was rude to Asher. I am sorry.", he said, a bit of frustration in his voice. Asgore nodded a bit more.
   "Alright. Then we can continue with the CORE project.", Asgore started. "But I want you to be nice to all of your co-workers, and I mean, all of your co-workers. And so help me, if you aren't, that CORE project will go down in flames." Gaster nodded. He understood. "And, tomorrow, you will go to Asher and apologize to him."
   Gaster nodded once again. "So, I'm guessing that the person who told you about all this was Asher?", he guessed. He became extremely surprised when Asgore began to shook his head.
   "No, actually, don't let them know this, but...", Asgore trailed off, leaning towards Gaster and began to whisper. "It was Squeakton." Gaster gripped his knee and slightly gritted his teeth.
   "Dang it, I liked him.", he said as he shrugged.
   "Be nice to all your co-workers!", Asgore said with emphasis, reminding Gaster what he had said only seconds before.
   "I know, I know.", Gaster said, nodding. "I won't get mad."

   Gaster turned away and walked towards the door. "Have a nice day today, King Asgore.", he said politely and walked out. It would only be a while until the CORE was finished.

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