Chapter Twenty-Four

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   Gaster raced through the Hotlands, try his best not to run into any other monsters along the path. Whenever he did run into monsters, he would simply say that he was in a rush. Luckily, monster understood and didn't get mad at him. Gaster wasn't sure if the monsters truly understood him or if they were just respecting him because he was the Royal Scientist, but either way, he was thankful to make his way through the Hotlands.
   He finally got to the castle and jogged up the stairs, his black dress shoes clacking loudly against the golden steps one at a time. He pushed the doors open harshly, putting all of his weight into them. The doors made a creak sound as they opened. Gaster dashed down the multiple halls of the Castle. He got to the grey halls and was determined to get to the Throne Room. As he arrived in the Judgement Hall, he flew past the Judge of Creatures without a single thought.
   "Hey!", the Judge of Creatures shouted as he was knocked to the hard tiled floor. Gaster looked over his shoulder, skirting on the floor as he tried to stop himself. The Judge was picking up the two swords of his, shaking his head a bit.
   "Sorry! I'm just in a rush!", Gaster called out. The Judge waved it off and chuckled a bit. He decided not to say anything about having to check Gaster's HP, ATK, or LV. He knew that Gaster had no intentions to hurt King Asgore, so he didn't bother with the entire deal.
   Gaster pushed the Throne Room doors open quickly. Asgore jumped suddenly, surprised by Gaster's intrusion. He hadn't been expecting the Royal Scientist to suddenly pop in for a spell. He turned to see Gaster and forced a smile, attempting to look a bit happy.
   "What's up?", Asgore asked in a casual voice, a quiet chuckle following. But before Gaster could answer, he raised a hand up in the air, signaling for Asgore to give him a second to breath. Even though he was a skeleton, he still needed to breath sometimes, especially after such a long and rough run. Asgore waited patiently.
   "Okay...", Gaster said, taking in deep breaths. He reached into his left pocket, fiddling around with the multiple things in it, such as his keys and pens. He found the folded up piece of paper and pulled it out of his pocket. Asgore became curious when he saw the paper. He already began to suspect that it might've been designs for something.
   Gaster unfolded the paper carefully, as to not rip the paper or mess up designs. Whenever he unfolded it, it looked to be so much larger than it was when it was folded. Gaster straightened out the paper and walked towards Asgore, paper in hand. He let the paper slip into Asgore's large fuzzy paw-like hands. Asgore began to look over the designs, paying attention to each individual detail.
   As he was looking over the designs, a smile began to creep slowly onto his face. Gaster already felt that this was a good sign. Asgore looked up at Gaster, the smile remaining on his face. "Gaster.", he said, catching the skeleton's attention.
   "Yes, sir?", Gaster questioned, hopefulness in his voice. Asgore chuckled a bit as he handed the designs to Gaster.
   "I am going to find a few construction workers and a few other scientists, and we are going to build the CORE.", Asgore said. These were the words that Gaster had been dying to hear, and now he was hearing them. It may have been slightly unprofessional, but Gaster and Asgore were friends, so Gaster hugged Asgore, laughing excitedly as he did so.
   "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!", Gaster exclaimed, not taking breaths between words. Asgore waved it off.
   "No need to thank me.", he said calmly. He backed out of Gaster's hug, as did Gaster. Gaster was extremely happy and could barely believe that he was really going to build the CORE. He stood in the Throne Room, fidgeting his hands nervously. Asgore and Gaster stood in silence.
   "You can leave now.", Asgore said, raising an eyebrow. Gaster looked up and began to back out of the room.
   "Sorry.", Gaster said, waving his free hand while he held the CORE designs in his other. "Bye."
   Gaster went back out into the Judgement Hall to see the Judge of Creatures with a smirk on his face as he shook his head slowly. Gaster passed him, but looked back at the Judge with a chuckle.
   "Sorry.", Gaster apologized with a slight shrug. The Judge waved it off, laughing.
   "You're alright!", he responded. Gaster gave a smile as a small "thank you", then left the building. He couldn't wait to tell his sons the wonderful news.

* * *

   Gaster walked into his house to see Sans and Papyrus watching television and laughing. But the second they saw their father walk through the door, their faces lit up even more than they already had as the two rushed to see who could hug Gaster first. Papyrus, being a faster runner, got to Gaster first and leapt into his arms, squeezing him into a hug. Sans joined. Gaster wrapped his arms around them.
   "Guess what, my little skelebros?!", Gaster asked, trying to make his news a bit suspenseful. Sans and Papyrus looked at his face in thought, then shrugged unknowingly. Gaster gave a bit of a chuckle, standing up straight. "They're going to build the CORE!"
   Sans laughed happily. "That's amazing, dad! Great job!", he congratulated. Papyrus gave Gaster yet another hug.
   "Cool! Not exactly sure what that means, but cool!", Papyrus said, also not fully understanding the concept. Gaster bent down on one of his knees to get to Papyrus's level.
   "Basically, the CORE is a machine that will give us free electricity from thermal energy!", Gaster attempted to explain in a simple way that Papyrus would understand.
   "Oh!", Papyrus exclaimed in understanding. "I get it!" Gaster laughed and hugged both of his sons once more.
   Throughout the evening, Gaster spent time with his sons, as he promised he would. He played games with them, watched television with them, and even talked about the CORE with them.
   They had a wonderful evening.

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