Chapter Twenty-Seven

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   "I'm sorry, but what does building a house in Snowdin have to do with the CORE?", Asgore asked, one furry brow raised.
   Gaster had decided to tell Asgore to get the construction crew to build the new house in Snowdin so that he could test the CORE project. Of course, Asgore wouldn't understand why at first notice.
   "I mean, really, a house in Snowdin? If you just want a new house, you can just tell me.", Asgore said, a small smirk on his face. Gaster blinked a few times. He rolled his "eyes" and looked back at Asgore. Because of what had happened months before, only the left white eye pupil was visible, so Asgore wasn't completely sure if Gaster was actually rolling his eyes or not.
   Asgore perked his head up a bit with a small look of offense. "Did you just roll your eyes at me, the King?", he asked, raising a furry hand to his chest. Gaster sighed a bit. Sometimes, he truly felt that Asgore could be a bit of an idiot.
   "No, I was looking at the ceiling.", Gaster said in an extremely sarcastic tone, attempting to make it obvious he was lying. But of course, Gaster's instincts were right about Asgore not realizing things soon enough.
   "Oh, okay.", Asgore responded. Gaster looked up at Asgore, blinking multiple times, mouth agape. He couldn't believe that Asgore couldn't detect his sarcasm. Gaster shook his head to move on from the slightly embarrassing moment.
   "Anyway, the house in Snowdin does have to do with the CORE.", Gaster said. Asgore raised a brow.
   "Could you explain to me how?", he asked. Gaster nodded.
   "Of course.", Gaster started. "Now, I need to be able to test the CORE from Snowdin that way I know if it will work from far away or not. If it works, that means the CORE is successful and we can power it's electricity into every building and area in the Underground." Asgore nodded a bit as he was listening to the explanation.
   "That sounds pretty good.", he said with an approving smile.
   Gaster smiled back as he was about to leave the Throne Room. "Thank you.", he said.
   "Of course.", Asgore responded.

* * *

   Gaster walked into his house to see Sans and Papyrus asleep on the couch. The two were cuddled up under a dark red fleece blanket. Sans had one arm wrapped around Papyrus, the other held to his own chest. Sans snored a bit, but not very loud. Papyrus, on the other hand, was snoring extremely loudly. He had one of his own arms wrapped around Sans, the other gripping on the blanket. Gaster smiled at the scene. His sons looked like two small little angels.
   Gaster walked past them, leaving them asleep on the couch, and walked into his room. He sat in his black leather chair next to his desk and looked over a few papers on his desk. He looked back and forth between his CORE designs and the very old M.A.L.I.C.E designs from former Royal Scientist Raven. Gaster smiled as he stared between the two pieces of paper.
   "I won't let you down, Raven.", Gaster said quietly. He looked at the multiple similarities and differences between his designs and Raven's, realizing that the designs had a lot in common. He realized that him and Raven truly weren't all that different.

* * *

   The construction crew decided to meet up with Gaster at his house, where Sans and Papyrus also were. The two brothers were on a Winter Break from school, so they were home. So when the construction crew came to the house, Sans and Papyrus were beyond confused.
   Asher was the first monster to enter the house, the rest of the crew following behind him. Asher was also the first to see Sans and Papyrus. When he saw the two, he tilted his head in confusion, eyes wide. "Oh, hello there!", he greeted. Sans and Papyrus stared back at the bull creature, eyesockets also widened.
   Axe looked back and forth between the brothers and Asher. He then looked at the brothers and inched closer to them. They were on the couch, still under the red fleece blanket. They hadn't liked being awoken from their sleep, but this just increased their confusion.
   "Can you tell me where your father, Dr. Gaster, is? We need to talk with him. We are the ones that will be building your new house in Snowdin.", Axe asked, giving a small explanation as to why they were looking for Gaster. Sans understood, making a noise of realization when he got the explanation.
   "Oh, okay!", Sans said. "Yeah, Dad is in his room." Axe gave a sweet smile as a "thank you". Asher walked to the bedroom door and knocked on it.
   "Dr. Gaster?", Asher called out. "It's me, Asher. The crew and I came to talk to you about the house in Snowdin." When he finished talking, there was a loud thudding sound that came from the room. There was also a shout from Gaster. Not only was the crew confused of what happened, but so were Sans and Papyrus.
   "DAD? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?", Papyrus called out, wanting to make sure that his father was okay.
   "I'm okay!", Gaster called back. He opened the bedroom door. He, himself, looked fine. But his bedroom was an absolute mess. Behind Gaster was a disaster of a room. His black chair was knocked to the floor, papers, books, and pencils were spread out across the floor and on his desk, and there was a wallet, Gaster's wallet, on the floor as well. It looked as if there was a robbery attempt on Gaster.
   "What happened here?", Squeakton asked. Gaster perked his head up and popped his eyesockets open at the question. He looked back at his room and chuckled under his breath.
   "Oh, yeah, I was asleep. So when you guys knocked on my door and started talking, I was broke away from sleep. I was suddenly woken up and fell on the ground trying to get to the door.", Gaster explained as he picked his wallet up off of the floor. The construction crew nodded their heads in understanding.
   "Alright. Well, now, can we talk about the house?", another construction worker, who was a red fox creature, Thorn, asked politely. Gaster nodded in response.
   "Yeah, guys, come on in.", Gaster said, making a hand gesture that showed the guys to enter his room. He then looked his head around the corner to look at Sans and Papyrus. "If you need anything, just open the door and say something." Sans and Papyrus both gave a thumbs-up.
   In the room, the crew and Gaster talked about the house. Gaster requested that it be a little like the house they were currently in. He wanted there to be two floors. He wanted there to be two bedrooms on the second floor, one for Sans, the other for Papyrus. He wanted there to be a kitchen downstairs. He didn't bother with telling them to create a room for himself. He just said that he would sleep on their couch. As they made the plans, Thorn drew the blueprints for the house. Once they all finished discussing it, Gaster went over the plans, reviewing them.
   "These are perfect!", he complimented. Thorn gave a happy sharp-toothed smile. Gaster looked at the whole crew. "Y'know, I really did get the best construction crew in the whole Underground." The crew smiled happily. They felt so special to be admired by the Royal Scientist.
   The crew left and Gaster decided to spend the evening with Sans and Papyrus. They had lasagna for dinner, a favorite meal of the trio's. They played a few rounds of the Trivial Pursuit board game. And finally, all three slept on the couch. Gaster was in the center and he had his arms wrapped around Sans and Papyrus, who were on either side of Gaster.
   A happy little family they were.

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