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"Then we're gonna have to put up a fight," Jack the muscular, tall kid says.

"They're here," I say right before the door opens.

"Freeze," One of the guards tells us.

We all stop and look. Then something else happens. All of us electrics- Taylor, Michael, Abi, McKenna, and I fall to the ground in pain. Ugh, Nichelle I think to myself. She is the one that drains all the electricity from our bodies. 

"Michael, you okay?" Ostin asks Michael. "What is happening to all of you?"

"Nichelle," I manage to get out. "She is draining our electricity."

"Wait. We figured out that Michael can absorb electricity." Ostin goes on. He finds a chord. Plugs it into the wall. And rips the end off- leaving the end open with a bunch of wires that were inside. "Put your mouth on this." 

Michael looks at him funny. As if he is saying what the heck? I'm not putting my mouth on that. Then Ostin shoots him a look that says trust me. It will work.

Michael puts the chord in his mouth, and all of the sudden, he can stand up. Ostin was right. He looks perfectly fine, which surprised me since Nichelle was draining out all our electricity.

"Michael, I think you are strong enough now," Ostin said. "Try to blast her."

"Nichelle?" He asked. "I'm not sure I can do this."

"Trust me."

"Okay. You guys ready?"

"Yeah," McKenna says.

"I'm good," Jack puts out.

"Sure," Wade states.

"Go," Abi comments.

"Try it," I say, unsure if it will work.

"Okay, Nichelle. Back off."

"No, never," Nichelle says, still draining from us.

"Well then," Michael says. "You leave me no choice."

"Try Michael," Nichelle goes on. "You can't do anything."

"Sure. You want my electricity," Michael asks. "Take it." He says giving Nichelle a huge blast. Nichelle then falls back with a scream. I look at Michael with a face that says wow, that actually worked! Then Michael shoots me a look saying I know, right?

All of us electrics found our electricity and stood up. Nichelle was done for. We beat Nichelle. Well, we didn't beat her, Michael did. But still, you get the point.

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