Scared (Chapter 6)

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I wake up in the morning and roll over to see that Zak is out of the bed. I get out of the blankets and walk to the bathroom to see if he is there. I turn on the bathroom light when I get to the door and see that I am the only one here. I fully wake up rubbing my eyes and stretching. I know that it use to be that Zak would always leave me alone at the house when he would go off and do some work. But since we have been a couple it seems like we never stay apart from each other. Not that I am all kinds of needy or anything I just cherish waking up to see his face. I walk to the bed and check my cell phone. When I open it up sure enough there was a text from Zak.

Hey baby just going to spend some time out with Aaron this morning. I will be back shortly.

I smile as I read the text; knowing that he is kind enough to tell me where he is going. I decide that I am going to send him a reply.

Just woke up. Missing you already.

I lay back into the bed and turn on the TV. I flip through the channels and see that they have the movie "Moonlight and Valentino" on. I start to watch the movie and see that it just started because the main character just lost her husband. I always feel so bad when I see parts like that. It makes me think that there may come a day where I might loose Zak. I did almost loose him once. That pain that I can only describe as the worst pain that I ever felt in my life. I feel a tear cascade down my face as I think about that horrible moment.

My cell phone goes off letting me know that I have a text. I reach over and pic up the phone. I open the phone to see that Zak has texted me again.

I am sorry that you are missing me. I miss you too. I will be home sooner than you think.

My heart flutters with joy thinking about how he will be home soon. I do hate not being with him. I don't think that it is all that wrong for me to want to spend a lot of time with him. I know that he has all these other things that he has to do. But I don't mind going along for the ride and being able to be by his side as he is doing these things.

I enjoy being his rock when he is weak, tell him things will be alright when he is apprehensive about something, and cheer him on when he is not all that sure of himself.

The only side project that he has going on that I don't care to much for being there on is his music. I am not saying that I don't like his music. I am just saying that to get to the final product there is a lot of work that goes into it. There was one time that I went with him to do that I ended up falling alseep in the studio.

Can't wait

I text him and put my cell phone down on the wooden dresser by the side of the bed. I turn back to the TV for my entertainment. I soon hear my phone go off again. I pick it up and see that it is Aaron that texted me.

Zak has a surprise for you that he might give to you soon. I know that you will like it. But don't act like you know and for the love of god do not tell him that I told you anything.

I reply a simple okay and put the phone back on the wooden dresser. Thoughts fly through my mind as to what Aaron was talking about. I wondered what the surprise could be. When I cant think of anything that would be logical I start to think about the relationship that Zak and I have had up to this point. There is nothing that I would not do for that man and I hope that the feeling is the same with him. I can not picture my life without him. He has been my rock, my happy place when things are going bad. During the time when we were battling the demon I think that proved that I would give my life for him.

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