A Normal Life (Chapter 37)

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Zak and I walk into the conference room that is filled with all of the heads of the cable network. Zak and I take a seat at the table. A woman walks up to us and asks if we would like anything to drink. We decline on her offer. It almost feels like when I was in high school. Being sent to the principals office over something that I did, and I am waiting to get in trouble for it. 

A man wearing a grey suit stands up his dark hair is slicked back and his skin looks like he has spent way to many days tanning his body, trying to make it the perfect shade of honey. His brown eyes lock on us, "I think that I am not the only one at this table that would like to say that you and your team are doing very well. We are all shocked that given what you had to deal with months ago, you seemed to turn it around and make it your own. Aaron's vlogs go viral almost every time. With Nick's separation with the team it was bad at first, but that has turned around as well. The storm has passed. You all have done very well with this last filming. I do have to say that I was not the only one that wondered how you would deal with everything that was laid at your feet. To be honest I did not think that you all would make it. I am happy that you have proven me wrong."

"My team and I are very good at what we do. It did not shock me in the least that things worked out for the best because we are like a family. When one of us falls the others will be there to help pick us up," Zak tells the man. 

The man nods his head acknowledging what Zak had just said, "It seems that you are correct. How you guys all of sudden got Criss to stop his show that he was creating is beyond me. The media is buzzing about the demon house documentary. All of you have very strong followings. There for a minute we were concerned with Linda. At first it was like nobody really took to her. But after the commercial came out she started having a very strong male following. So why you are here today is to renew your contracts. We would like to offer you guys a little more money and in turn get you to sign another two year contract."

The man grabs some papers off of the table. The woman that just offered us something to drink walks over to the man and takes the papers out of his hands. She walks the papers to us and hands us the contracts. Instantly Zak starts to read over his contract. 

"I hope that you both will agree to everything in the contracts and we will continue to have a high rating show on our hands," the man tells us.

At the moment I feel like I am frozen. I wait for a couple of seconds while Zak reads over the contract. I don't want anyone to know that I am not reading the contract and just signing it if Zak signs it. I want them to think that I am just as professional as Zak is. So while I wait for Zak to read through it I decide that I am going to kill time by talking for a little while, "Something that I am wondering is if I have to continue wearing clothes that is more like Zak and Aaron's clothes?"

The man shoots a short lived smile across his face, "I think that you and I know the answer to that question. To be honest I think that you have taken our request and went over the top with it. But it works. This will be a season that will gain a lot of ratings due to your clothing choice. I know that it was a change for you. But lets face it, sex sells. With all of those boys drooling over you it makes them want to watch the show even more. They will have to get their weekly fix of you."

"Don't you think that it is a little to much to ask since Zak and I are together," I ask.

"I think that it is a good thing when Zak and you make your relationship public and yet there are still tons of girls looking at him and tons of guys looking at you," the man answers.

"While that is all good and fine. I know that it is your job to care about the ratings and it is our job to care about our images. But don't you think that if you follow the whole sex sells thing then you will have a show that nobody really pays attention to? Don't you think that it will take the show to a whole other level that we did not intent for. People will be watching the show to get their jollies off rather than watching the show because they are truly interested in the paranormal," I remark. 

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