A Change (Chapter 34)

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Zak and I rush around the house trying to pack up all of our things. Zak is done with his shooting for a documentary and it is time that we go home to Vegas. However, he has waited till the last second to stop his filming. Now we have to rush around the house and pack up what we can so that we can make our flight home. From there we have to pack up for another round of shooting for the show. I guess this is the life that I sign up to live when my boyfriend is wrapped up in his own little world of ghosts and demons. But I would not have it any other way. 

Aaron and Joanne are officially dating. They both seem very happy and I have learned to put aside the angry feelings that I have for her because she mad Aaron cry. She has never done anything to him so far that would make me feel like she might hurt him again. In fact she has been totally cool and understanding of everyone. There have been times that Aaron has kept her home while he has helped us in the filming and she does not ask questions, she just does what she is told. Every time that I have wanted to go out for lunch with Aaron she backs off and allows it to happen. She understands that we are like a family and very close. 

Right now Aaron is with her, spending the last moments that they have together before he has to travel to Vegas and pack up for the filming of the new season. I know that Aaron is going to be missing her during the five months that we are gone filming. I know that he will be trying to call her all of the time to check up on her and talk. I just hope that it does not cut into our filming time. Heaven forbid she try to call him during a lock down. I know that Zak will flip his top if that happens. 

Zak is a pretty good business man and will go over the top if that happens. I know that when we are on a lock down he is the one that takes the lead and we all fall into place. There have been a couple of times with the lock downs that I failed to follow his command and he yelled at me. So anymore I just do what he says and at home I take the lead. It is so funny how we are both very different on and off the camera. But it works for us. When he bends I bend along with him.   

I pack the last of my things in my bag. Zak is in the bathroom packing up his hair care products. Sometimes I think that he cares more about his hair than I do. But it is a good thing in my eyes. What is so wrong with a man that wants to look good? To be honest maybe most men should read that page from his book.

Zak walks into the room and motions for me to follow him. I sling the straps of my bag around my shoulder and start to follow him. This is the part that I hate the most. The packing up and saying goodbye to the place that we have been staying. But really it is just the packing that I hate. I love being on the road. I love seeing new places. I love the change in everything. In my eyes traveling is something that is like one of my personal heavens. I also love meeting all the new people in all of the places that we go to. A lot of the times when we come on to a location there is a fan base that is waiting for us. Most of the time it is girls that want to get down Zak's pants. Some of our fans are children. Those are the fans that I love the most. All of them are so cute and full of promise. They are the ones that I wonder when they grow up will they follow the work with ghost investigations and come out with something so spectacular that it will make the world fall to their knees. Will they be the ones that makes the world see that there are such things as ghosts and demons?

I do have to say that other than a few set backs, life has been good to me so far. There is nothing more empowering when I know that I have the man that I love, I do what I love, and I get paid very well to do what I love. I know that there are a lot of haters out there that love to talk shit about things that they have no idea about. But even with the haters I love them too. If it was not for them then the word about us would not keep going on about us. Haters are our bread and butter. We do have a pretty good fan base and haters turn others on to us, making our fan base bigger. After the protests and all of the stuff that happened with Criss our fan base had almost doubled in size.

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