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I FINALLY updated ☃️
happppyyy? You mother fu-😀

After completing on what I was gonna do for this update I decided to jus wing it LFMSOSKFOOAO whoops but this might get good so 🙏🏽 hold onto your wigs

Now onto what you came here for!

I see you 😀 now go vote👺

    Lia's POV:

"Aye come check this shit out" one of the voices said.

"Oh shit it looks like a girl lives in this room" another voice said stepping in my room.

"AYE it's another room that looks like a girl lives here too" a different voice said sounding far away as if he was in Ashley's room.

god fucking damn ash how many of they ass is it

(Authors note: pretend they can speak to each other telepathically(which is the bold text)
I have no idea it sounds like maybe 4 so far

Alright willis I refuse to die in a closet so what are gonna do


We could rob they ass I mean let's think about it , we both have the combat skills to do it and we can wing from there


You right ugh this is why I love yo smart ass, but I got a plan so follow me



*(end of telepathic

Ashley's POV:

I heard sniffles beginning to come from lia. "Bitch the hell what th- OH" i mentally face palmed myself for the dumbassery and began to sniffle and fake cry along with her.

"Y'all hear that it sound like some girls" one voice said stepping around the closet.

"Aye over here" another voice said stepping infront of us.

  "You think these the girls that live here" one of the voices said

  "No bitch these the girls from the Allstate commercial" another voice said almost making me and lia laugh.

   "please h-help us" Lia said shaking, ah that little sneaky bastard I see what she's doing.

   "Please before they co-come back" I said shakily.

    "Aye y'all what's y'all names" one voice said stepping infront of me. I kept my head down until Lia's signal.

   does this bitch think imma give him my real name- the hell do I look like

   "my name is vic-victoria" I said still holding my head down.

   "And you" another voice said, I'm assuming he was asking lia.

𝒂𝒃𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 ☻Where stories live. Discover now