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Ashley's POV:

"PLEASEE i mean if you want us to comply and do what you say you could at least take us to get our pet" I said trying to convince ski to take us I was pleading at this point because mr bubbles didn't like being alone.

      "And why should I do that , you know if y'all try to run y'all are instantly dying right" he said staring me dead in my eyes it send shivers down my spine so I knew he wasn't lying. "Ok we won't" I said. "Let's go before I change my mind" ski said yanking me by my arm.

"This bitch lucky I want my kitten" I thought to myself before lia was pulled out of the room by X too. X and Ski looked at each other for a brief second and continue to drag us out of the house.

We got to the door and before we opened it they put blindfolds over our eyes. "Why the fu-" lia said before x chimed in "shut the fuck up before we change our minds".

And with that we left...

We arrived in the house and the boys waited downstairs for us to finish. We found mr bubbles laying in his bed sound asleep "hi mr bubbles" me and lia cooed at the same time. Mr bubbles eyes lit up and ran over to us meowing. "Imma go get her food and shit and some stuff from my room you should do the same" lia said walking into her room.

We knew they could hear us that's why we weren't trying to plot an escape, if we even said the wrong thing one of us could be killed and we bad bitches you can't kill us💅🏻.
(see what I did there🤠^)

I packed some of my necessities including all that good stuff no need for details. I made sure to grab mr bubbles cage and lia grabbed his other things. I grabbed my old phone too to try and call anyone we knew to help us.

Once we were done we headed back downstairs and told them we were ready but Ski wasn't sitting down with x anymore. "Ski bring yo fat ass out the kitchen and let's go" X yelled. He soon came out of the kitchen with our snacks in his hands eating lia's honey buns while drinking our Hawaiian Punch.

Lia hated when other people ate her snacks I could see the irritation written all over her face and ski noticed it too. "Aww is the little baby mad that I'm eating her snacks" ski fluttered his eyelashes at lia making a pouty face "that's too bad" he said laughing.

"Overweight obese bitch" lia mumbled under her breath making ski raise his eyebrows. "What was that ms ma'am" he said turning her direction. "Can we just go already damn" I said by accident on purpose.

Next thing I knew my breathing was being cut short by ski firmly grasping my neck slamming me against the wall. "Fuck" I said because I now had a headache. "I call the shots around here not you , so I suggest you remember that" he said staring holes in my head .

"Are we clear" he said waiting on a response, I guess we all were about to wait because he's becoming real annoying manhandling me. I guess I didn't respond when he wanted me to so X stepped in and pulled a gun to lia's head.

"He said are we clear , and you better think of a answer fast or your best friend will meet god faster then she intended too" he said with his eyes pitch black. "Yes were clear" I said finally giving in, I guess they found out the only way to make me cooperate was to threaten lia.

"Good now that we all understand let's go" ski said dropping me and X putting the gun back in his pants.

Welcome to the end of this chapter
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Hope you enjoyed
Peath out💅🏻

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