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So after re doing this chapter like 60 times because wattpadd WONT let me be great i finally got it 🙄🤌🏻

if my writing got ass it's because I've been gone for a long ass time so HUSH , when I was re reading the beginning of the book I actually liked it so now I got a few new ideas or wtv 😋

Now onto what you came here for!

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                 ~moving day~

I see you 😀 now go vote👺

Lia's POV:

"aye weefy Can you pass me my candy please" i said sitting on the couch playing the movie. "Sure hollon" Wifi said getting up to grab my chewy sweet tarts. He disappeared and well what do you know he shows back up eating my candy.

"MY NIGGA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I said glaring at him while he laughed almost choking eating my candy. "Tuh negroes I swear anyways, where's my best friend and sir fat ass bitch?" I questioned as he sat my candy by me on the couch.

    "They went to go do something with the new house I think they should be back any minute now" he said shrugging. I nodded and turned back to the movie , damn x been sleep for a hot minute maybe I should go check on hi-

"The fuck you thinking about so hard, I bet you're thinking about me aw" x said coated with cockiness coming down the stairs. "Speak of tbe devil" I mumbled, This son of a- "And aye weren't you supposed to be packing the stuff for the cat or whatever" he added making me turn my head the other way sarcastically.

       I'm heavy on the procrastination side so of course I didn't do it yet. "See what happened was my imaginary friend rod was telling me this story and I was being a good friend and listened and somehow I ended up on the couch ahaha so crazy right" I said laughing trying to ease of this lecture I was surely gonna receive.

      The look I got from this man told me everything I needed to know lord have merthy. I hopped up so fast I caught whiplash and ignored it, continuing my walk-jog upstairs. "Always looking at me like the nigga want static or sum" I mumbled going up the stairs.

   "What was that" X said sounding a little to close to those stairs for comfort. "nothing damn" I mumbled already up the stairs. If I said anything else I'm afraid I wouldn't like that outcome so playing it safe was a must. Remember kids survival is key!

      As soon as I open the room where Mr.Bubbles resides he jumped off of his kitty bed and came meowing towards me. "Aww hi bubs" I smiled petting his pretty fur. He purrs at my actions and I get to packing his things into the box.

   He was a kitten so it didn't take very long but that litter box dear lord. "Gawd DAMN bubs this litter box was probably the shit that took out prince phillip" I said stepping back for a minute. better to get it done now rather than later. I thought to myself as I prepared for this wretched experience.

    After I was done cleaning it I put it back and refilled it along with his food and water. I pet him a few more times before I closed the room bringing the box with me going back downstairs. "ok I'm done packing bubs stuff you want me to go put it in the moving truck?" I asked about to step out the door.

   "Nah I got it , give it to me" X said taking the box out my hands going outside towards the truck. damn his ass kinda fa- . "If I catch you staring at my ass again I'll personally kill you lia" He said not even looking in my direction. "Well shit you got telekinesis or eyes in the back of your head or something?" I questioned wide eyed.

     "No I just have a feeling you were and i was right" He says with that same damn smirk. "That isn't very cash money of you now was it" I said leaning on the truck as he closed it. Ski and Ashley pulled up to the drive through soon after that.

     "Hey shawtybae" Ashley said coming up to me. "Sup bae" I said hugging her. "How did it go?" I said turning to them. "We signed all the papers and kept it as lowkey as possible" Ski said grinning showing his grills. "Aight bet so we finna move the shit in today or what" X said to Ski.

    "It would be safer to go right now since we don't know ole dudes lil scheme" Ski said shrugging. "Well let's go round up the troops and get the fuck , shall we?" I say turning with Ashley walking back to the house as the boys followed.

A/N: (authors note)

Pretty long chapter if I do say so myself as an apology for my absence.

If you kept up with the book yk I been missing for a hot minute back to back😋

Im not completely back sadly since yk my mental is still hot ass and ya girl still gotta go to the doctor so bare with me and the here and there updates <33

As per usual thank you for the support on this book I really appreciate it and I'll have more updates for y'all in the future !!

Until next time !

-peath out


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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