Something Different

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Here is my story. It starts like this. I am 15 years old. I see everything, though I am blind. You may be wondering what I mean, and that is fine. Most people do. But what I mean, is that I don't see with my eyes. I see through electrolocation, the same way sharks and electric eels do. This means that I can see through solid objects. To me, everything is like a window. I may be facing backward, looking straight at a wall. It looks weird to everyone but me. For me, it is like looking through a window.

It is dangerous for me to be seeing everything. Especially with the Elgen around. Right now, I am locked in a dark room underneath the Elgen Academy, in a cell we call the Purgatory. I am here with my friends, Abigail and McKenna, who are also like me. Not exactly like me, they have other powers. Abigail can stop pain by electrically stimulating parts of the brain. And McKenna can create light and heat. We have been down here for almost 3 years now. You may be wondering why, and it is because we refused to follow the Elgen. The Elgen are the people that made us this way. It's from a failed hospital experiment. They have been hunting the electrics down, trying to find every last one of us. There are 17 of us electrics. At the time, there are 8 or 9 that follow the Elgen. There may even be more the Elgen is hiding somewhere else. The Elgen is an international electricity company. There are at least 2 more electrics the Elgen haven't found yet. A boy and a girl.

Now, I can tell you that there is an electric youth, one of us, a girl, being brought into the Academy. I don't recognize her, maybe she is the girl the Elgen was looking for

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