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"...A simple I love you means more than money..." -Frank Sinatra

Naruto was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out why he walked away and why he kissed him in the first place. He knew that he liked him, but that didn't mean he should just randomly kiss him because he was mad about Sasuke brushing off the idea of them being in a relationship. Walking away was causing him far more worry than the actual kiss. He should have stayed and talked about it and instead he ran away because of his fear of possibly being rejected.

When Kurama walked into the living room he saw his brother pacing and obviously panicking. He stood there for a moment, silently debating what to do, 'Should I be a good older brother and help him, or should I just quietly walk away?' His decision was made for him when Naruto turned around and saw him standing in the entryway.

"Oh, good, you're here," the blonde smiled as he stopped pacing. "I need some advice, or I guess just someone to talk to about what I did," Naruto said quickly, almost desperately.

Kurama suddenly grew curious as to what could have his brother so worked up. 'He was supposed to hang out with Sasuke,' he remembered, waiting for Naruto to explain himself. He could only assume that something happened with Sasuke, but he wasn't sure what he could have done to cause so much panic. "What did you do?" he finally asked.

"Well, how do I phrase this?" Naruto tried to find the best way to tell his brother that he'd basically shoved his tongue down Sasuke's throat in front of a group of paparazzi. "You see, I might have kissed Sasuke when we went to the park today and it might be caught on camera because I may have done it in front of a group of paparazzi."

Kurama just stared at him. While a part of him was surprised, the other part knew that he should have seen it coming. "By might you mean that you did," Kurama said, it was more of a statement than a question. He Naruto just nodded. "What did he say afterwards?" the redhead asked as he sat down, knowing it might be be a long conversation.

Naruto laughed nervously, "Well, that's the thing." He paused, looking down, "I kind of walked away without seeing his reaction."

"I knew that you could be dumb, but I certainly didn't think you were that dumb," Kurama replied as he shook his head at his brother's stupidity. "Why the hell would you just walk away?" he asked. "You probably confused the hell at out of him."

"I know," Naruto sighed. "I know that it was stupid of me. I just didn't know how to face him," he said as he sat down on the couch next to him. "I just couldn't stand how he was saying that the rumors were so ridiculous so I kissed him," he started to explain. "Then after I kissed him I realized how stupid it was of me so I walked away before he could punch or yell at me," he frowned, running a hand through his hair. "I was trying to win him over not scare him away."

"Naruto, you need to talk to him," he told him. "You can't just kiss someone and walk away," he sighed, not sure what else to tell him. There was really nothing else he could say.

"I know," the blond replied as he looked at his brother. "I just hope that I don't get punched in the face when I do," he added. "That's if he even agrees to talk to me."


Sasuke quickly walked into Itachi's home off office where he was finishing up some work despite it being the start of the weekend. Itachi looked up in surprise at his brother's actions. He never walked into his office without knocking, which meant something was wrong for him to just barge in. "Is something wrong?" he asked calmly.

"I figured that I should tell you before you see it," Sasuke started, making Itachi worry about what he was going to say next. The older Uchiha stayed silent, waiting for his brother to explain. "Naruto kissed me," he said, still feeling very confused. "It was in front of the paparazzi," he added a little nervously, not sure how his brother would react.

Photo Shoot (Revised) NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now