It Begins

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Lust fades, so you'd better be with someone who can stand you. ~Alan Zweibel and Jessie Nelson

Naruto was getting his equipment set up and ready to do the photo shoot. He was going to take pictures of Itachi first and Sasuke the next day. He figured the brothers were pictured together enough that it would be nice to have them photographed separately for the piece, especially since they were interviewing them separately. "So, you left your brother at home?" Naruto asked with a smile when he saw that Sasuke wasn't there.

"I told him to come with but he just mumbled something about you," Itachi answered as he looked at the blonde. He was sitting on a chair, waiting for the blonde to be ready. He looked rather tired and over worked, as if he weren't taking his own advice.

"Your brother doesn't play nice with others, does he?" Naruto asked as he positioned Itachi how he wanted him to sit on the chair. He looked at how it looked from far away and adjusted the lighting to see the man's face better.

"Not particularly," Itachi answered after thinking about his brother's lack of social skills and friendships. "He doesn't really talk to a lot of people," Itachi said, thinking it might explain his brother's behavior a little bit.

Naruto once again stepped back to look at how the picture would look. "So, you know what would help with the picture?" he asked. The Uchiha raised an eyebrow questioningly, but didn't say anything. "If I could see your house," he said. "It would just give me more of a feel for your personality and it'd be the perfect back drop for the picture," the blonde tried to explain.

"No," Itachi said bluntly. His expression was cold and uncaring, which told Naruto that he wasn't going to change his mind. He just sighed and didn't bother replying; knowing that there would be no convincing the Uchiha.

"Fine," he sighed. He walked over to where he had some other pieces for the set. The pieces were more artistic and he felt it might bring more life to the pictures. "That chair isn't staying there," he said as he grabbed a different back ground to hang up.

"Yes it is," the man said. Naruto stopped walking as he looked at dark haired man. "This photo shoot is going to be simple and the way I want it, or it's not going to happen at all," he said authoritatively. As an Uchiha, he was used to getting his way, that wasn't going to change.

Naruto frowned, 'So much for creativity. Stupid Uchihas, they're such bastards.' He just put his things down as he said, "Fine, let's just get to work then."


"You're not supposed to be here," Kakashi said as he leaned on the doorframe of Sasuke's office. He was wearing his usual half smirk, half smile combination. He loved to mess with Sasuke, the young Uchiha always got so aggravated that it provided plenty of entertainment. It wasn't as if Sasuke would always show his aggravation, in fact to most people he was good at hiding it. Kakashi, however, could tell when he was annoyed. The raven's eyebrow would start to twitch and he had an annoyed scowl on his face that said, "Get the fuck away from me" and it only made the older man want to stay more.

"Shut up," Sasuke said as he rolled his eyes. "You're not the boss of me, you can't tell me what to do," he leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk. "Want to know why? Because I'm your boss," he said arrogantly.

"Well guess what?" Kakashi smiled as Sasuke looked at him with a bored expression. "Itachi left me in charge today. He said to take care of things while he was busy," the silver haired man continued to smile. "In fact, he said that if you came here today to yell at you send you home," he said with a slight arrogance as Sasuke looked at him skeptically. "Okay so those weren't his exact words, but close enough."

Photo Shoot (Revised) NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now