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Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. ~ Buddha

Naruto was sitting in the living room flipping through channels. He was getting frustrated because there was nothing good on and he had an hour to kill before he had to leave for Kurama's office. He didn't understand why he had to be there for the preliminary meeting, he knew what he had to do; unfortunately it had been made clear that Kurama wasn't going to let him get out of it. He understood why they were doing one, Kurama was making sure to keep the Uchihas happy and he was sure that the other brothers wanted to know exactly what was going on, he just wasn't sure why he was forced to be there with how badly it went the first time. "Naruto?" he heard his father's voice from behind him.

"Hey dad," he smiled. "What's up?" he asked, a little surprised that his father wanted to sit down and talk. It wasn't everyday around election time that his father would just want to have a chat. He was a good father, but he tended to get a little wrapped up in his campaign.

"There's something we need to talk about," Minato said as he sat down on the couch next to his son. He grabbed the controller and turned off the television, wanting his son's full attention. He knew that it wasn't going to be an easy conversation to have.

"Okay," Naruto said cautiously. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked as he looked at his father. He was worried as to what he wanted to talk about. He started to nervously play with the necklace he regularly wore, he didn't know why but it had become somewhat of a nervous habit of his.

"Kurama told me," Minato said. He paused for a moment before clearing he throat and continuing by saying, "He told me that you're bisexual." Naruto's eyes widened at his father's words.

"He what?" Naruto asked as he stopped playing with the necklace, letting it fall around his neck. He was partly angry, part betrayed, and completely shocked. He was so surprised he felt as if his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

The older man put a hand on his son's back as he assured him, "It's okay Naruto." He gave him a small smile as he continued; "I just wish that you would have told me sooner. I thought that we had a better relationship than that." He was trying to be as reassuring as possible; he wanted his son to feel like he could talk to him about things.

"I'm sorry," he said as he looked at his feet, suddenly finding them interesting. It made him wonder why Kurama would tell their father, it wasn't as if he were in a relationship with a guy. He'd had one relationship with one guy in high school and it didn't last very long.

"He, uh, said there's a new guy," Minato said awkwardly. He knew how to talk about girls with his sons, but guys were an entirely new topic. Talking about guys was something that a mother should have to do, not the father that had no idea about it. As he thought about it, he wasn't even sure what Kurama liked, seeing as his older son never seemed to date and when he did, he never introduced his dates to his father.

"I do not like Sasuke," Naruto quickly responded with a slight growl. He couldn't believe that his brother told their dad about Sasuke. It wasn't as if he actually had a crush on the guy, he found him attractive. Did that suddenly mean that he was going to date the guy?

"I never said that you did," Minato smiled. "In fact I never said anything about a Sasuke," he added. "Is that his name?" he asked. It didn't click to him that he meant Uchiha Sasuke; he thought it was just some random Sasuke his son had met.

"No, Sasuke is a jerk," Naruto said, his denial in full swing. "He is a rich, pompous, asshole, who thinks he's better than everyone else," the younger Namikaze said as he stood up, wanting to get away from the conversation. "Plus how can I even like someone I hardly know?"

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