Chapter Fifteen | The Mistress

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WARNING: Mild sexual content!


THESE PAST few days, (Name) had done nothing but kept an eye on Midoriya.

After her encounter with the green haired scholar, and her failed attempt of trying to get him into her coup, (Name) had felt paranoid. To say that she's very afraid for her life was an understatement.

She tried to approach Midoriya once but it was futile when he immediately sensed (Name) and fled. So, she resorted into watching him from a distance. Making sure he won't do anything that might jeopardize her coup. Everything will go to hell if Midoriya decides to tell Bakugou about it. So, with an extra tension in her gaze, (Name) is warning Midoriya not to tell anyone about the coup everytime she would bore her eyes on the back of his head.

And much to (Name)'s relief, Midoriya had done nothing that would give away her plan. Even thought he has been wary of (Name), he continued his duty like always. Difference is, he hasn't been coming to (Name) to announce her duties.

Still, (Name) refuses to give up. She is determined to approach him again and convince him to be in the coup.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

She jumped at the sudden voice. Turning, (Name) was met with a confused Uraraka.

"Nothing, nothing... I just, umm... "

Before (Name) could even come up with an excuse, Uraraka took a peek at the other side of the wall where Midoriya is.

"Oh, that." The brunette remarked. (Name) had told her about the situation with Midoriya after the night she confronted the green haired man.

"If you'd like, I can come up to him and do the convincing." Uraraka suggested.

(Name) immediately shook her head. "No, I don't want him to find out you're involved in this. It'll be dangerous for you."

Uraraka understood and nodded.

"I also thought Deku-kun would be a good ally to have." Uraraka commented. "I was surprised he turned down your offer. If there was anyone in this court who had witnessed how cruel His Majesty is, it would be Deku-kun."

"I thought that as well, he confessed that he doesn't approve of my husband's ways, and I expected him to join right away." (Name) sighed. "For now, I will keep an eye on him. I'll make sure he doesn't say anything."

"You might want to stop for now, Your Majesty."

"Why should I?"

"Everyone has gathered around the entrance palace, apparently, someone is arriving today. Specifically, right now. You might want to see them."

(Name) furrowed her brows, fully confused of what Uraraka is talking about. Has something happened? She's been watching over Midoriya these days that she haven't had much time to mingle with the court people.

"Who's them?"

"His Majesty's mistress."

Just as Uraraka said, everyone has gathered by the doors of the palace. Of course, the court won't miss the arrival of the King's mistress.

By the time (Name) got there, it had became too crowded. Still, she craned her neck to see a carriage on the front, servants were unloading luggage trunks from the carriage. (Name) still could not see the mistress, but she can tell everyone had seen her as the others began whispering.

"I heard she's from the south..." One elderly noble said to the other.

"Heavens-! The south? What is His Majesty thinking picking a woman from the south."

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