Chapter Three | Court Whispers

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THAT NIGHT, (Name) couldn't sleep.

As soon as she got back in the palace, she hadn't seen Bakugou, which is a relief to her part. As for his speech, (Name) gave it to Midoriya to finish.

(Name) was still too shaken. She decided to eat dinner alone and immediately went to bed, thinking that a nice sleep will be able to get her mind off the horrifying image of people hanging to death.

It didn't work.

She was able to close her eyes for a few minutes, lost consciousness for an hour and woke up in the middle of the night.

She stayed awake until the rays of the sun filtered her room through the window.

"Good morning, Your Majesty." Uraraka greeted.

The girl proceeded to help (Name) in the bath, dressed her, and arranged her hair. When she is ready, she immediately went to the dining area where she expected Bakugou should be.

And indeed, he was sitting, eating and reading something. (Name) recognized it as the speech. Also, she noticed that a bottle and glass of scotch is present. (Name) sat down and started eating, but halfway through she lost her appetite.

"How is it?" (Name) asked as she watched Bakugou put the parchment down once he finished reading.

"Fine." He answered.

"Since I wrote your speech for you it's only fair that I receive something from you."

Bakugou then look at her, glaring. "You women are all so sly. What do you want?"

"Nothing big. Just some questions I want answered."

"Hurry up, I still have something to do."

(Name) started. "I heard that we are in the middle of the war. But who are we fighting?"

"Glacia." He answered quickly. (Name) nodded, recognizing it as the Kingdom in the North. If she can recall, it was King Todoroki Shouto leading it.

"And why are we in a war with them?"

"Because those fuckers pissed me off." Bakugou said while standing up and gathering the parchments. (Name) felt like that's not the entire reason but it sounded ridiculous.

"But-!" She stood up. "But that's not a complete reason to wage war and tax your people heavily."

Bakugou turned to her once more. "Yes it is. I am King, I can do what I want."

"Including killing many innocent people?"

"They are not innocent, they are called criminals for a reason and that's why they were punished. Those idiots were plotting to kill me, but I had them first."

"Killed." (Name) corrected.


"You didn't punished them, you killed them."

Bakugou clicked his tongue. "Makes no difference." Then he started walking away and out of the dining room. (Name) followed.

"You said you are King, you can do whatever you want. Then I believe that you can also stop the war."

"You're so fucking annoying." (Name) heard him mutter, she frowned and glare at him. As she increased her pace, she finally caught and stopped in front of him. Bakugou stopped walking and glare at her.

"How can you even call yourself King if you kill your own people because another Kingdom just pissed you off. If anything, it's not the people's fault." She breathed. "It's yours. For being too short tempered and easily provoked."

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