//45// Deferred, Jailed, Offered

543 13 2

WARNINGS: swearing, violence.

There's a man helping us. I think Raven mentioned something about a guy named Ryker from the machine shop but I'd never met him. He's tall, muscular, brunette. Though he seems a little stuck up, if you ask me. He's a Prime so it's against my nature to like him.

We need a battery in order for this to work. Something like the wristbands or the shock collars we wore while we were prisoners. I think Bellamy still has one so I go back to the tavern. When I walk through the door, I find Echo, Raven, and Bell sitting at a table. Bellamy spots me and walks over quickly, smiling a bit.

"Hey," I say, nodding. "Do you have one of the shock collars?"

"What's it for?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

I swallow, faking a smile. "Experimentation."

He nods, going to the table and returning with a shock collar. "Here."

"That was easy," I say, taking it from him and turning around.

He loves Clarke. He loves her so much and I'm gonna kill her. She may not be my favourite person but she sure as hell isn't my least favourite. And Bellamy loves her. I can't leave Madi an orphan for the second time in her life.

I turn around quickly. "Bell."

He stands from his chair again, coming to stand in front of me. "What's wrong?"

"Clarke's alive," I say, waiting for the shock to spread across his face. It doesn't. He only shifts uncomfortably. "You knew?"

"Yeah," he says, nodding. "She started tapping her fingers on her leg in morse code."

"Well, Josephine told me herself," I say, nodding.

His eyes go wide. "Why would she do that?"

"She wants me to build some kind of machine that'll fry Clarke out of her head," I say.

"Why would you do that?" Bellamy asks, eyebrows pulling together.

"Immortality," I say, nodding again. "The only real reason I agreed was because John thinks he's going to hell and I can't let him feel like that."

"But you just told me everything."

"I know," I say, shaking my head. "I can't let Clarke die, Bell. We need a plan."


I'm in the machine shop again. John is standing close to the counters while Josephine is laying on a table. Ryker is preparing to remove her mind drive. I told him I wasn't very medically minded so I'm standing in the corner. The perfect place to take the EMP and run. Which I do.

The fields are long but I know them well. Once I'm almost at the shield, I hear motorcycles. I keep sprinting, arriving at one of the towers and attaching the EMP to the system. It will be able to fry the electrical current.

That's when the motorcycles arrive. Josephine jumps off hers while Murphy stands behind her. She's smirking as she twirls a small knife between her fingers. She stands too straight with her knees not bent at all. I could absolutely take her.

"What's your plan now?" Josephine asks, grinning.

"Bell!!" I shout.

He and Echo emerge from the crops to stand behind me. I crouch in front of the EMP and prepare to turn it on. I hear a shout and turn to find Josephine holding the knife to John's throat.

"Move another inch and I kill him," she says.

He falls to his knees.

"You're insane if you think we still care about that traitor," Bellamy says.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now