Is This Real

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Hello everyone!!! It been almost 2 months since I last update and I apologize to anyone who were waiting. Feel free to leave any feedback and enjoy!!!

- Pacifica's P.O.V
"Woah.. where am I?" Confusion eased its way into my mind as I scanned the area around me. I-I was in... darkness? There was nothing but a pitch black void for miles in every direction. "What? This can't be real. I mean... I have to me dreaming or... something." I tried to convince myself I was dreaming, but this.. this felt to real to be a dream. Maybe it is real. Maybe I'm dea- NO NO!!! THAT CAN'T BE TRUE... it just can't.

Fear rained heavily in my mind as I thought about the current situation. I was all alone in a dark limbo with nowhere to go. My mind was beginning to clutter with unfulfilling questions that I couldn't answer. I didn't know where I was or what to do. I could feel anxiety seeping slowly into my body as tears flooded my eyes, eventually coming down my face at rapid speeds. My breathing fell out of pattern as I sat there crying. What am I supposed to do now? I don't have anything, I don't have anyone... I don't have... Mabel.

"Pacifica... your father and I have something we would love for you to know." "Pacifica we wish to speak with you, so if you could let us in that would be great." Those voices? Is that my parents!!?!! My crying stopped and my breathing slowly returned to normal. My sadness wasn't completely replaced, but curiosity made its way back into the forefront of my mind. I heard them clearly beside me. But where are they at?

"Come on Pacifica, You can't stay under there forever." Suddenly a light came overhead and slowly took over the void of darkness. The blinding light caused me to shield my eyes and after a while when the light became stable enough to look at, I opened them to see that I was in my room. What? I looked around the room in disbelief. "That place I was in... was just me underneath my covers? How is that possible?!!" I voiced out loud.
"Pacifica what are you talking about? Are you feeling ok?" My mother asked me with an unusually caring attitude. Wait mother!!! I quickly turned towards my mother and saw not only her but father staying there as well. They were both looking at me and they both looked so concerned about me... It looked like that actually cared about me.

"Pacifica my dear.... your father and I have to tell you something important" she said while placing a hand on father arm. "Yes.. indeed we do." Father added. "We wanted to inform you about the current situation involving your arranged marriage with Prince Henry." My heart sunk after hearing those words. The memories of today's events played on repeated in my head. Fear was rushing in again and it was planning on crushing my well-being for good. I guess father realized my fear and planned a hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch from pure instinct.

"Don't worry.. we are giving up on resolving the arrangements." he said in a reassuring voice. I was shocked at the statement to the point I couldn't even respond to it. This has to be a dream... I really hope it isn't. "You are?" I managed I let out. "Yes.. yes we are. After I managed to calm your father down, we decided to leave things the way it is and live a proper and honest life." Mother sat down next to me and gave me an genuine smile!!! "And I would love to apologize to you for... for harming you. I promise that from this point on we will be the best people we can be. But first we would like to become the best parents you could have dreamed for."

What is this? Why did that have a sudden change of heart? I can't even remember the last time my parents showed any love towards me. The tears had came back in full swing and I embraced both of my parents into a warm hug. "We love you Pacifica." My mother whisper into my ear. "And we want you to love us too." Upon hearing that, I became an emotional mess. I was crying like a newborn baby in my parents arms and I didn't care. This love felt so nice... and it felt so... unreal. "That's because it isn't" My father said with a smirk on his face as both my parents loosened the embrace they had on me. "What do you mean?" I whimpered.

"Pacifica... I- I'm sorry for playing with your feelings like that. I hope you can forgive me." That voice.. that voice.. it can't be!!! Suddenly in a blink of an eye, I was sitting in a golf cart with... Mabel!!! "I should have just told you how I felt from the beginning. I can't even imagine how you feel right down" Mabel states while focusing on driving the cart. "Wait what!!!" How did I get here? I was just in my room a second ago with my parents. "What's wrong Pacifica?" Mabel asked in her sweet caring vo- I mean.. in her annoying childish voice... yeah that's what I meant.

"N-Nothing is wrong." I waved my hands out in front of me in a desperate attempt to hide my now blushing face. "You still haven't responded to my apology. I really am sorry Pacifica." Mabel said as she pulled over to the side of the road. I was so confused. What did she do? "What are you apologizing for?" Mabel turns towards me with a puzzled look on her face. "You don't remember?" "Remember what?" I returned the look of confusion at Mabel as I waited for a response.

She sighed as she took my hand. "I'm was apologizing for... hiding my feelings from you for all these years. And I just wanted to say.... I love you Pacifica!!!" I felt time freeze upon hearing those words from Mabel's lips. My heart was trying it's hardest to come out of my chest. She loves me? Does she really? Do I love her? No... no way.

Mabel pulled me closer to her and leaned in. She was now inches from my face and I felt my blood rush to my cheeks. "Pacifica... I've been dying to tell you about the love I have for you. And I don't think I can wait for a response anymore. I want you to be mine." I can't believe I'm saying this.. but I also wanted her. I guess I really do love her. Her lips are so close to mine, and the only thing I have to do is... "Do it.. please... kiss me." Mabel invited. I closed my eyes and went in for the kiss. I'm about to kiss her... IM ABOUT TO KISS MABEL!!! I pressed my lips upon hers and... wait a minute. I quickly opened my eyes to see that she was gone. In fact everything was gone. I was back in the darkness alone. "WHAT HAPPENED!!!"

"On come on you didn't honestly think that was real did you!!! Ha ha ha!!! You're to gullible Llama. Ha Ha Ha!!!" Wait... did someone just call me... Llama? "Ugh.. when are you going to figured it out!!!" Out of nowhere, a blue flame emerged from thin air and formed in the triangular demon himself... Bill Cipher!!! "B-Bill?!!" I shouted. "That's my name!!!" He quipped.

"Oh Llama, I wish you could've seen how happy you were to receive love from your own parents. Ha! Even I felt bad about how sad you sounded after realizing it wasn't real. Oh, but it was your own fault for falling for my fake Mabel. I mean COME ON... You just saw your parents and the world around you alter. Ha Ha Ha! I guess love makes humans lose all the common sense they have. How pathetic." Bill began to laugh uncontrollably.

Once again I failed to hold back my tears. I became enraged. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!!! PLAYING WITH SOMEONE'S FEELINGS LIKE THAT IS JUST WRONG!!! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT MY PARENTS AND HOW I FEEL ABOUT MABEL. WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM TOYING WITH ME!!! "Oh nothing, it's just... amusing." Bill's laugh echoed throughout the entire space we were in. "You're a heartless piece of sh-" Bill zipped to me in a instant cutting me off in the process by placing his hand on my forehead. "What's a world without despair" he softly spoke. Before I could say anything, his hand was engulfed by a blue flame and I was knocked out.

"Don't worry Llama..... our promise is still in effect."

I hope you enjoy reading my story. This chapter was a bit random (imo), but at least I updated. The next chapter will be better for the story... fingers crossed. I also wanted to thank everyone for all the favorites and the few comments I got, it really means a lot to me. THANK YOU!!! See you all next time!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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