A Deal

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Hello everyone!!! I hope you all are enjoying my story so far!!! That all I have to say.... so enjoy!!!

- Pacifica's P.O.V
I really shouldn't be doing this. Is this voice really trustworthy? Can it really help me? I don't know... but there's only one way to find out. "Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! What are you waiting for!!!" The echoing voice asked. "Follow my voice if you want your problems to go away... or you could just turn around and forget about my offer." I- I probably should.. no, I can't face them alone. I'm not strong enough. "Lead the way." I took a deep breath and continued to walk towards the.. oddly familiar voice. Seriously... where have I heard that voice from?

- Candy's P.O.V
"See Grenda, a late night walk in the woods is all you needed." I looked at Grenda with a cheesy smile to brighten up the mood... I think it was working. "Yeah... I do feel a lot better now. Thanks Candy." She had a smile for a split moment before it fainted into a frown. "Look... I'm sorry I ruined our fun today. I overreacted. I should have gave Pacifica a chance... I mean.. who am I to say she hasn't changed her ways." Grenda apologized. "A-Anyway.. thanks again for taking the time out of your night to cheer me up. I know you and Dipper had plans and all." And like that, her smile returned to her face. "Don't worry about that, I'm sure he understands. And don't worry about what happened today, I know you have your reasons for not trusting Pacifica. Forgiving someone who has treated you and your friends with disrespect for years is hard to do. But never mind that. Let's just go and enjoy the rest of the nigh-."

I was interrupted by the sound of something in the bushes nearby, which startled me. "What was that?" I asked. Grenda grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a tree. She signaled for me to stay quiet and I did just that. The ruffling of the bushes got louder and louder till we saw.... Pacifica!!! Pacifica? Oh thank goodness it was only her. Considering what we have seen in Gravity Falls... anything could have popped out the bushes to get us. "Oh it's just Pacifica." I announced as I tried to walk out from behind the tree but instead was pulled back into hiding by Grenda.

"What are you doing?" Grenda didn't respond, she just looked at Pacifica intensely. Does she plan to watch her? "Grenda what are doing. Why did you drag me back into hiding?" "I want to see what she is doing. It might be wrong to hide and watch her, but I have to be sure she's not planning anything." Grenda responded. "Grenda, what about all that talk about you giving her another chance and trusting her?" I whispered aggressively. "And this is a chance for her to show us her true colors. Let's just follow her for a bit.. ok" I sighed at her comment, but I agreed to follow Pacifica with her... purely to show Grenda that she could have changed.

-A Hour Later

- Pacifica's P.O.V
"THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! I have been walking towards this stupid voice for about an hour now and nothing has happened." Just as I finish saying that, I tripped over something protruding out the ground causing me to fall into a tree. "Ow." I cried while rubbing my now throbbing head. Including with my hurting head, I also had a cut on my leg from whatever I fall over and... wait I'm not hearing that voice anymore. "Wait a minute... where did the voice go? Does that mean I'm finally at it's location? "Yes... Yes it does Llama!!!" The voice is back!!! Llama? I shot up from the ground the best I could and leaned on the tree for support.

"What do you mean I'm here... we are in the middle of the forest and there nothing out here but me." "Whatever you tripped over must have been huge in order to send you flying into that tree like that." The voice laughed out loud. "Why are you changing the subject? Whatever I tripped over is irrelevant." I looked to see what caused me to fall and saw a statue of some kind. "What the?"

I limped over to the statue to get a better look. I couldn't believe my eyes. T-The statue was "BILL CIPHER!!!" I was shocked, I knew that voice was familiar.. but for it to be Bill... "What's wrong Llama? Not happy to see me?" He mused. "What is going on? I thought you were gone for good!!!" "Don't sweat the details kid. Now... about that promise. I can help you with your little issue Llama, but only if you give me something in return." What is his game? "What do you want?" I muttered. "I just want a simple... hand shake." A hand shake? I'm extremely confused and I know my face shows it. "Oh come on!!! That a good deal if you ask me Llama. Your family problems would fly away and all you had to do was shake my hand. You'd be a fool to turn that down. So... do you want to make a deal?" Suddenly the hand on the statue sparks into a blue flame. "If it's a deal you want... then go ahead... shake my hand."

I stared at the hand for a couple seconds, thinking whether or not I should do it. "Time is ticking... have you made your decision yet?" the triangular demon said. I do want my parents to change their ways, but is making a deal with this crazed demon worth it? "So if I shake your hand... my parents will stop being bad people?" I asked. "Why do you humans always have to have things repeated to you!!! YES YES YES!!! You're parents will change into honest caring citizens... if you shake my hand. That is the deal." My parents will become honest and caring people. This statement is golden. I think I finally made a decision... I'm going to do it.

I placed my hand onto the statue's hand and suddenly the hand of the statue grabbed hold of mine and began shaking it. "Well kid you've done it." Bill calmly states. "You've set me free!!!" The ground around me and the statue became shaking wildly and blue flames surrounded me. "What going on!?!! Let go of me!!!" I demanded. I struggled to release my hand from the statue's iron grip. "A deal has been made..." Bill said in a demonic tone. The statue became to glow yellow before it suddenly... blow up, sending me flying into a tree at full force. My body was in so much pain that I blacked out shortly after, but not before hearing someone rush to my side."OH MY GOSH!!! GRENDA GRAB PACIFICA WE HAVE TO GO... NOW!!!" "I GOT HER.. LETS GO!!!"

"Pacifica. Our deal is underway."

What have I done....

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! Please feel free to leave any feedback about my story. See you next time!!! Also thank for all the reads. :P

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