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Hello everyone!!! I hope you all are doing well!!! If not, I hope this story can provide some enjoyment .

- Pacifica's P.O.V
Walking around the mall with Mabel is oddly relaxing, it even took my mind off the situation I was in. But one glance at my phone changed that because it was getting quite late, meaning it was time to go back home and face my parents and that dumb suitor again. I wasn't looking forward to that.

I felt like crying again.... but I can't... I mean... I shouldn't... especially not in front of Mab-. I was brought back to reality by the soft touch of the brunette's hand grabbing mine. In shock, I quickly turned my gaze to her eyes. She looked so confused.... She looked so concerned about.... me?

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Mabel asked as I sat there staring at her. "It's Grenda isn't it" "N-No." My eyes feel down towards my phone as I tried to hold in my tears. "Oh snap!!! It's getting late and I bet you got to get home soon huh." She yelled out. "Y-Yeah." "Need a ride? I got the old trusty golf cart." She said jokingly. "No that's ok, I actually drove here myself." I said with a fake smile. "Woah Pacifica! You have a car? You totally have to drive me around the world someday!!!" "Is that even possible" I laughed. "Probably not... Well ok then, I guess I'll see you around. Bye." Mabel said before waving bye and turning around to head home.

- 30 minutes later
I finally arrived home. I knew my parents were not going to be happy with me for barging out the house. I parked my car in my usual spot and turned my car off. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. Right before I could touch the doorknob, the sound of my father smacking me rang in my head. My heart started racing and I felt fear rising in my body. Am I afraid of my own parents? I took a deep breath and the door opened.... but I didn't open it. I looked up to see my mother staying there.

"Do you have ANY idea what you have done?" Her eyes were like knives as she stared me down menacingly. I couldn't say or do anything. "Your father wants to have a word what you Pacifica. He in the kitchen." What did he want?!? I just stood there frozen in fear at the possibility of being hurt again came to mind. "Did you not hear me? GET IN HERE NOW!!!" She grabs me by the arm and pushes me towards the kitchen, luckily I was able to catch myself before falling. "Ok ok... I'm going."

I walked into the kitchen with my mother close behind. My father was sitting at the kitchen table with his back facing us. "F-F Father?" I stuttered. "You wished to speak with me?" He slowly got up from his chair and I slowly backed up. "Pacifica... you ruined everything." He said softly but loud enough for me to hear him. "Your little stunt today... cost us the biggest chance we had... we almost had our lives back... but you had to go and MESS IT UP!!! He slams his hand on the table as hard as he could before turning towards me with the most ferocious look on his face. "I didn't.... w- want to-. He tightly grabs my wrists and pulls me closer to him till we were eye to eye. I let out a cry of pain before looking into his eyes. He looked like he wanted to murder me. "Listen to me Pacifica. THE NEXT TIME YOU COME BETWEEN OUR FAMILY AND THE LIFE WE DESERVE!!! YOUR GOING TO WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!! Do you understand me?" I'm going to wish I was never born? Who says that to their child? Every second I didn't respond, his hold on my wrist got tighter and tighter causing me extreme pain. "OK I UNDERSTAND!!!" I cried. He finally let me go. Both of my wrists had imprints of my father's hands on them and they hurt really bad.

My father began to start having a huge tantrum, throwing any and everything in his way. He was acting like a monster. As my mother rushed by his side, I decided it was time for me to leave. I hurried towards the front door when suddenly a toaster came flying past my head. "Where do you think you're going. You better not step a foot out this house or else." My father hissed. DID HE REALLY THROW A TOASTER AT ME!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! I CAN'T STAY HERE MUCH LONGER!!!

I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I sat on my bed crying my eyes out wondering what I should do. My parents are monsters, but I'm to scared to confront them. The thought of my father's enraged face is enough to makes me shiver. It's so stupid that I'm scared to live in my own house. Why do my parents have to be so terrible. Why do I have to live like this? My tears started to fall as my mind began to race. "I can help you with your... little family issue." Who said that? That voice sounded strangely familiar.... but who's was it? "I can make all your problems go away.... just follow the sound of my laughter. Don't be shy." The strange voice let out an echoey laugh. I shot up from my bed. "What is going on? Follow the laughter? Who's laughter?"

Should I follow it? Probably not... but whoever it was say they can help me. I should at least hear them out... right? I got up from my bed and walked towards my door before stopping. "My parents will kill me if they found out I left the house." I said to myself. "If I'm going to do this... I'll need to go through the window quietly. But first.." I put down a bunch of clothes on my bed and placed a blanket on top to make it seem like I was sleeping in it. "This should do the trick... I hope." After I turned off my light, I went to the window and opened it. I proceeded to climbed through safely and closed it behind me. "Ok.. let do this." I let out a deep breath before following the crazy laughter into the night. "Why am I doing this?"

I wonder who Pacifica is going to find? Who do you think it is, let me know. Feel free to leave me any feedback and see you next time!!!

My Enemy Stole My Heart - A Mabifica FanficWhere stories live. Discover now