Who's Next

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It was a rare, cool day for June, and the four of us sat, eating lunch on the blocks.

"School is over in three days! I can't believe we survived freshman year." Ashleigh was sitting on the ground, resting her back against the concrete block.

Liz looked down at her. "I am glad to check off one more year on the path to freedom. I can't wait to get out of this place."

"And have more responsibilities, and college? No thanks, I will take the freedom of youth over grown-up responsibilities any day." Ashleigh responded.

"We never did get Mr. Johnson to fall for any of us." I pointed out. "I guess it doesn't help that we're way underage."

"Yeah, maybe in another three years he will be here, and I can make a move." Ashleigh never gave up on a mission.

"You don't get to complain, Addy." Liz directed her attention to me. "You have had enough action this year for the four of us combined."

I threw the last bite of my sandwich at her. "That's not fair! Any of you could have found love this year. I don't think you looked hard enough."

"I went on a date." Ashleigh said.

"Yeah, one, and that was a pity date. Seth had been asking you out all year." I retorted.

"True, but it's more than Liz or Marley can say."

"I am not sure it will happen for me in high school. Look at these guys." Liz gestured to a group of boys who looked like gangster wannabes. We all nodded in understanding.

"My brothers are way too overprotective." Marley added. "I do have camp this summer, without them. Maybe I will get an opportunity there."

"Well, someone needs to hurry up. I need to do some double dating and the VLC needs more paraphernalia in the box."

"We'll do our best." Ashleigh laughed.

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