Dancing with Sheer Abandon

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Little did I know I wouldn't have to worry about Gavin. He wasn't at school the next day, nor the day after, nor the day after that. He wasn't there for the rest of the week! Suddenly I was feeling very lonely in my kitchen for one.

"Maybe he was sick." Marley suggested as she changed out of her P.E. clothes Friday afternoon.

"Right. Sick of me. I bet he switched out of the class."

"Don't be ridiculous. He talked to Ashleigh about you. He is super interested."

"Yeah and then she scared him away with her talk about my stubbornness and apparently I am a man beater as well."

"Come on. Tell me you wouldn't slap him if he walked through that door right now and tried to kiss you."

"Of course I would slap him! This is the girls' locker room! I am half naked!"

"You know what I meant Addy."

"Well, maybe you and Ashleigh are right, but you don't need to go telling people."

"Whatever. Anyway, are you excited for tonight? Mateo has agreed to take us to the beach."

"I can't wait to run freezing cold and naked into the Pacific Ocean." I said sarcastically.

"Come on! Cheer up! You are such a downer lately."

I slung my bag over my shoulder and slammed my locker door. "You are right. I don't even like the guy. I am going to enjoy the last warm weekend of the year and forget all about him. I will grab the Entenmann's on my way home."

My mom was waiting in the minivan in the parking lot of our church next door to the school. "Hi honey. Are you excited for your sleepover?"

"We need to get Entenmann's stat!" I responded.

"I love you too. Glad you had a good day. We have to go pick up your brother first and drop him off at soccer practice."

"Alright, but then we need to go straight to the store, and home so I can pack my things."

"I am not sure how I feel about you staying the night at her house with two teenage boys."

"Mom. They are her brothers. I am pretty sure Marley would be totally grossed out if any of her friends had a crush on her brothers."

"You know our rules about dating. But, it isn't you I am worried about. Boys are always trouble. Just ask your Dad."

"I know mom. Just get me home so I can get ready."

It seemed hours before Brody came running down the front steps of the brown brick building. Slamming the door as he jumped in the mini-van.

"Took your sweet time." I said.

"I was helping Miss. Sullivan clean up from today's science project. We made paper maché volcanos and made them erupt! It was so cool!"

"Someone has a crush on Miss. Sullivan." I teased.

"Do not! Mom tell Addy to shut up!"

"Brody, don't say 'shut up.' Addy leave your brother alone or you won't be going tonight."

I glared at Brody and looked out the window.

"Where is Addy going?" Brody asked.

"She is having a sleepover at Marley's house."

"A Sleepover? I thought that was for little girls."

I threw my book bag at him.

I couldn't be rid of them soon enough. After we picked up the all-important Entenmann's and returned home I rushed into my room packing everything I thought I might need. I tore the posters of Justin Bieber and the Jonas brothers off my wall. I was getting too old for that anyway. I threw in the cutest p.j.s I could find and a couple of games. I wasn't about to walk around in front of Marley's brothers in some ratty old flannel.

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