Counting Down

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We struggled not to get distracted the next week. I hadn't realized how I addicted I was to skipping class. Monday and Tuesday were two long torturous days. We only saw each other in passing and at lunch. My first track meet was coming up the next week so my practices were grueling. I had tons of homework (I hadn't realized how difficult it could be to balance school, sports, and a boyfriend) and my parents were checking my attendance and grades every day. On Wednesday we considered leaving in the morning. We made it as far as Gavin's car before he began feeling guilty.

"I can't take you Addy." He turned and faced me, taking my hand and tugging me back towards campus.

"Why not? We will hardly see each other all week if we don't go." I frowned, but let him continue to lead me back.

"I know, but we only have six weeks left. I think we can make it." He sounded unsure.

I groaned. six weeks seemed like an eternity. "Fine, but I am not happy about this." He walked me to French class, ushering me in just before the bell.

I was ready to pull my hair out by lunch time. I couldn't focus all day. My brain was definitely elsewhere. I had teachers repeating questions to me several times, and missed a few points on a simple pop quiz in math. My teacher looked at me disappointedly when he handed them back. Even Mr. Johnson couldn't distract me. It didn't help that we were completing a timed write so I couldn't talk to any of the girls for the whole class period.

"Ugh!" I groaned as the lunch bell finally rang and we left the classroom.

"Already?" Ashleigh asked.

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"Are you already one of those obsessed girls who needs to spend every minute with her man to be happy?"

"What do you mean?" I glared. "We hardly spend any time together. Even before this it was only for an hour a day, and not even every weekend. I would hardly call that obsessed."

"You have been very mopey this week." Liz pointed out.

"Yeah, you really need to relax. You only have a month and a half left. It'sn't the end of the world." Marley's words set me off.

"You guys don't understand. Gavin is the only thing that keeps me sane. With school and track, my parents always on my back, life is super stressful, and the only thing that makes it better is Gavin."

"What are we, chopped liver?" Ashleigh gave me a dirty look.

"You know that isn't what I mean. I just, I really like him. I have never liked a guy this much. I can't help but want to spend more time with him." She put her arm around my shoulders.

"I get it." She said. "Just don't forget how much you like us."

The four of us walked together out to the blocks. We fell back into our normal friendly dialogue until Gavin appeared.

I could have sworn Liz shot him a dirty look.

"Hi," He must have seen her face because his approach was more subdued than usual.

I shot her a look back and held out my hand for him to help me up. "I am going to go walk with Gavin. I will see you guys tomorrow." I quickly shoved my lunch into my backpack, and tried to ignore the disappointed looks on my friend's faces as I left.

"What was that about?" Gavin leaned in and asked, wrapping his arm around me as we walked away.

"Um, nothing. We just had a bit of a disagreement." He gave me a questioning look, but let it drop.

Instead, changing the subject. "So, this weekend is Mackenzie's birthday." He noticed my flinch and continued quickly. "I know you don't like her, but we have been friends for several years, and I promised I would go. Everyone is going to be there, and I was hoping you might be able to find a way to come with me. It's on Saturday night. We're meeting at Erika's, as usual. The weather is supposed to be hot for the next week or so, so we will probably be in the pool." He stopped walking and pulled me down onto the grass out of the walkway. "I will be miserable without you there, and I am not going to help you skip class." He was holding my hands in his lap.

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