Cooking, Do's and Don'ts

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If anyone ever asks for my opinion when it comes to cooking my first piece of advice would be: do not share your kitchen with an obnoxious boy who makes you spill something every time he speaks.

After what seemed like the longest weekend of my life, Monday arrived with a cloud of dread hanging over it. I wasn't sure why time felt like it was moving so slowly the one time I didn't want it to.

"Genevieve, J'ai demandé, qu'avez-vous fait le week-end?" Madame Surrey jolted me out of my daze.

"Sorry, what? On the weekend? Umm... I babysat my brother and.."

"En francais Genevieve."

"Yes, I mean, oui...sorry." I couldn't focus on anything all morning. My mom had to yell at me to get out of the car. Marley found me wandering in the math quad before first period and had to guide me to my French class.

"Buzzzzzzzzzzz..." first period was over. I slowly packed my things dragging it out as long as could. Finally a girl belonging to the second period class told me she wanted to sit down and I was in her seat. I made my way out of the room feeling suddenly hot although the temperature hadn't passed sixty yet.

"Addy! I knew I'd find you doddling around postponing your destiny. We are going to be late for class!" I barely acknowledged her as Ashleigh grabbed my arm and turned me in the direction of the Health quad.

The bell rang moments before we entered the Home Ec room. He was waving me over, smiling. Suddenly I was angry. Who did this guy think he was; ruining my weekends, interrupting my thoughts, distracting me? I wasn't about to let him know the power he had over me.

"Good luck!" Ashleigh squeezed my hand as she walked towards the back of the room.

"I thought maybe you bailed on me." Gavin said as I sat down next to him.

"I was late because I had to ask my French teacher some questions about a test we are having tomorrow." I lied.

"I am glad you made it." He perked. "I probably would have had to work with some dumb rich kid who has never boiled water."

Not wanting to get into a dialogue with him I chose not to respond to this last remark.

I strained to focus as the teacher gave directions. She wanted us to explore our spaces and was going over each item we would find in our cupboards.

"What do you think this is for?" Gavin held up what looked like the base of an electric toothbrush with whips on the end. He pushed the button on the side and the whips whirred and spun. "Maybe Mr. Anderson likes to drop by during lunch and she uses this on him!"

I couldn't help it; I laughed, right in the middle of Mrs. Anderson's lecture on knife safety. When I finally regained composure I found that everyone was looking at me. My cheeks flushed red. Mrs. Anderson gave us both a dirty look and continued on with her lecture.

Half way through the period she finally allowed us to try to boil water. I was glad we were starting slowly. I wasn't sure if I could handle reading a recipe with him staring over my shoulder.

"I'll get the water." I said grabbing the pot before Gavin could.

The sink was a few feet from the stove and after filling it with water I turned to bring it back to the range.

"Addy." He touched my shoulder and I jumped dumping all three quarts on him.

Soaking wet and dripping on the floor Gavin said, "Maybe I was wrong about you. Your hair is naturally blonde isn't it?"

I was mortified. I threw the pot into the sink and grabbed some towels from the cabinet. I have always worked well in a crisis despite indicators to the contrary. "Here," I handed him the towels, "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."

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