"Asks" Pt. 1

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Hello, all!

Firstly, apologies for the absence of more chapters, October has been immensely busy for me and my family. However, because of this, I have decided to elongate the next part of this work and release the next chapter this Halloween! It's going to be a more major one, and I hope you'll enjoy it!

Secondly-I am pleased to announce that we have officially reached over 500 hits on this story! I can't express the joy I've had for this remarkable achievement-a, because Treasure Planet is unfortunately an incredibly underrated film and not many people look into its fanfiction, and b, because I never considered my writing or stories to be that notable. It's been tremendously heartwarming to see so many of you read this book when I upload new chapters or make announcements, and it's because of you all that we have hit so many views on it. So, thank you, thank you all so much for your dedication and interest in my work, it means a lot. :)

ANYWAY! Due to interest from some of my friends who read this work, I've decided to begin the first part of "Asks." On this chapter, comments are open to questions about the story! If you have any questions about characters, developments, plot points, music, or my plans for the future of this book (or anything else, really) feel free to leave it in the comments, I'll be sure to get to it. Please note that I will refrain from spoiling anything, so you'll be more likely to receive a straightforward answer about something like character past. ;)If this becomes something you want to see more of, I'll add more "Asks" pages in the future. Thank you, dear readers! Stay safe!


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