Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving

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I know this is way overdue!!! Like two holidays overdue.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter.  My new year's resolution is to update the story faster :)

I hope you enjoy the ski humor with the video I chose.  I thought I would go with humor over romance for this chapter. 



We both pretend like nothing ever almost happened in the server room.  The following Monday was just like any other Monday filled with coffee, a little personal talk and then down to business.   We weren’t back to a frosty relationship, but we had lost the friendliness we had before.  Now we were in limbo.

I reach for my coffee blindly to give the illusion of calmness.  The inside of my hand feels the warmth of the coffee through the paper cup, but the outside of my hand feels something silky and I quickly jerk my head up.  I look into Tara’s eyes as the backs of our hands are touching.  Looks like I’m not the only one reaching for coffee.

She jerks her hand away leaving the coffee cup behind.  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize your hand was there.”

“It’s not a problem,” I say as I leave my hand on the coffee cup letting the heat sear through me but not lifting the coffee cup near me.  My palm is warmed by the heat penetrating through the cup, but the outside of my hand is missing the silky feel of Tara’s skin next to mine.  If I leave my coffee cup maybe she’ll bring her hand back.

“Listen, are we on schedule to release Purses and Math next month in time for Christmas?  I need a real deadline because I’ll start the marketing engine and get it in gear.  I don’t want a false alarm for us because that will make us look bad,” Laurel states as she cuts into my thoughts.

I look at Tara forcing her to acknowledge me, “We’re on schedule right Tara.”

“Yes, we’re looking good, we might even be ahead of schedule so go ahead and start getting on the circuit of promotion,” Tara adds smiling at Laurel and then glancing at me quickly.

“Good.  That’s the answer I was looking for,” Laurel responds.

“Listen, I have to run because I have a call I need to prepare for.  Do either of you have any questions for me?” Laurel asks.

“No I think we covered everything,” I respond and Tara nods.

Tara and I stay back and go through the details of the project plan.  As we finish we both get up.

“Listen, is everything good between us?” I ask Tara not really knowing what I will do if she says no.

She shifts her weight from one bright blue snow boot to the other, “Yeah, we’re good.”

“I’m glad to hear that.  Then we’re still on for skiing Thanksgiving weekend?” I ask.

Up until now she’s avoided direct eye contact with me, but then those hazel eyes open wide as they look at me like I’m crazy.  “You’re serious, you want to take me skiing?”

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