It's Time to Wake up! Our perfect Ending!

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I sat there in silence holding and leaning on Feitan, We lost contact of Phinks a few days ago Chrollo has also been silent. It's just me and Feitan. we sat there wondering what do. i cant move like i used to because of being pregnant. but i no sooner or later. Feitan will risk his life for me.

9 months later.

"Feitan!" i fall to my knees and and scream in pain. "T-the baby its coming...." his face goes white and looks around the house and grabs things it was cold out and everything is closed. so a home delivery was the option. "Need you to  breathe nice and slow. ok. now push." I hold onto the pillow and do as told. i tear up knowing it hurts. 

But suddenly i felt warmth like i was being held in comfort by 11 others, i knew in my heart it was the others helping me i breathe in and push. 

several minutes later i hear the cry of a child i sat there drained. as Feitan cleaned the baby and wrapped it in a blanket and walked over to me and showed me our new baby tears in both our eyes. "it a boy." he says and kisses my head. "we need name" i sit there and look at him. "Kumo" he looks at me in surprise and smiles a bit. "Kuma im sure the others would agree as well with name." i smile and nod. "Im sure they would cause i feel as though they are here right now." he nods in agreement. "Me felt it to."

Days months and 4 years went by it was peaceful. until now.

"Mommy! guess what Daddy showed me something cool he went and brought someone and showed me how to torture people it was scary at first but i tried and it was amazing!" I stood there in shock. "Oh he did? im gonna have a word with him you stay here." i walk off to where he was and all you hear is a loud smack. 

"W-what was that for?!" "You taught him how to torture people he's only four?!" "start him off young and work your way from there thats how i learned look at me i grew up fine. er ok maybe not." i sigh and smile a bit. "i'll let you off for now but start with other things first like combat and defense." he laughs "Yea yea i no" then out of no where we heard a scream we dash really fast and see our son being held up by the shirt by hisoka. 

Seeing him filled the both of us with anger and rage. the things he did to our friends so long ago. and now he has our son. but the thing is Hisoka looked different as well he looks emotionless more hungry for power and lust. he was like a walking zombie. i was gonna run but Feitan did so before me. and went for Hisoka's neck. "Die!" just then left me in the state of shock Hisoka dodged and sliced Feitan along with my son Kumo's head clean off.  "N-No....No!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!"  with that i grew into a rage i held out my hand and summoned several weapons. 

"Wait what?!" hisoka stares in shock at the weapons as well as tools. and amount of nen i possessed. i walk to Feitan's body and and used Nen Stitches sewing his and Kumo's head back on. then i pulled out a small red bat device that belong to a dear friend. "This is for you Shalnark..." i activate Black Voice sending Hisoka to back up fast. i look around where....above! i dodge and pull out two pistols and start shooting at him which of corse he dodges. "I see now your able to copy there moves as well as weapons. very impressive." i notice that he's planning something so i quickly run to the cottage and close the doors and locked the windows.

he's after me im the last one of the troupe. i failed you all. damit. what can i do... "now why are you standing here for dear. you no i am trying to end you rig-" he jumps back as i summon a red umbrella and point it at him. "i will kill you for taking everything i loved away from me. You son of a bitch!" i then put the umbrella away and then pulled out a familiar book. with that Hisoka knew what was about to happen he dashes towards be before i can do anything. Indoor Fish..... "Chrollo this one is for y-" hisoka stops me and kicks me out window and starts kicking me. he grabs the book from me and rips it... and breaks my arm. and starts beating me.

i scream in pain. i looked to Feitan's lifeless body i start crawling to him and touch him taken all his power into me. i then feel a sharp pain as hisoka then stabs me...i cough out blood and turned to him. and spoke in another language that seems like Chinese. anger and hate burned inside me. "Pain Packer" body gets suited in red and white type of armor. hisoka then confused knew this is gonna be bad he dashes at me. in incredible speed and throws a card at me. "Rising Sun!" in a instant a big flaming sun appears making hisoka fall to his knees. he stares me dead in the eyes. 

"I see this is how it ends." "Shut up im doing this for them, for my family. you only thought of them as a challenge and stepping stool." "a stepping stool huh.... ugh...well i have one more thing before i dry up to nothing." i look to him in confusion." what is it?" he smiles. "It's about time for you to wake up y/n." i stand there in shock and then i get light headed from using to much nen as well as Pain packer and Rising sun....


With that i collapse. please. all i wish is to see them again let us live a happy life.

I suddenly am awaken in a room my eyes focusing. i can hear a voice. no multiple voices.

"Hey she's waking up! Boss! guys she's finally waking up." i sit up and then realized who was speaking. "Hey Y/n good morning." i sat there in shock as tears fall down my face they all noticed and panic. "Shalnark you made her cry." "W-wait me i just told her good morning." i looked to them. "Is this real are you guys really here?! im not dreaming right?" they stared at me in confusion. "you guys died.... you all left me. this has to be a dream." Feitan then walks over and holds me. "calm. it not dream your here. were here. with you."  Chrollo then walks over and smiles. 

"You've been in a coma for 3 weeks. Uvogin was fighting and then sent a bolder flying and hit you and from then have been in a coma." i sat up and see Uvogin and Pakunoda standing there. I stood up not caring that im still injured and run to them and held them tears pouring down my face. "Im so glad im so glad your all not. dead." they all give me a moment to calm down. and then i told them everything that went on in my dream. 

"Dam thats alot that unfolded in your 3 week dream. but i now understand why you didnt believe it was us here." shalnark then pats me on my head. i grabbed his hand making sure he was still real and he smiled reassuring he's real. " but the fact that you and Feitan married and even had a child." Uvo smirks. "And that you chose the name Kumo for it fits perfectly." chrollo added in. " h-hey whats with the looks on your faces.!!!" they all smile and laugh then Shalnark jumped in "well guys lets get to work. 

i looked at him in confusion. "work on what?" he smiles "To give you and feitan a better happy wedding. with us here this time." i sit there in shock. " But it was in my dream Feitan hasn't even proposed y-..."  i then felt a tap on my shoulder. and i turned to see Feitan holding a ring. i held him close and kiss him. "This way Y/n you can have a happy ending this time."  "Thank you. everyone." 


It turns out it wasnt a dream i made a wish to restart over a new happy ending a new world where Hisoka doesn't exist and where Kurapika never seeks revenge on Uvogin. a world where i can live happily with my family and loved ones. 

This time no one can stop us cause we are the one and only

Phantom Troupe and we will end anyone who gets in our way.

And We Run to a far new future together. 

The End...?


I got emotional again writing this. but now they can have a happy ending now also have you heard this song my god Feitan's part is Godly! lol.

Anyway who knows i might have another book in the making. find out soon?

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