Haunted/ NSFW

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This chapter will have Rape and Abuse so be warned! Love you all also i have my reasons for hating this character.

the next day came and Phinks and Feitan told me there planning on heading to the Auction not to steal but to watch as normal people. I decided to stay back and clean a bit since the house was still dusty in certain places. They nod. "call if something happens y/n lock the doors as well. we'll call when where on our way back." Feitan holds me and kisses me and they head out and i lock the door as told. 

i start going to work on the house and tidy up as much and made myself some lunch. i look around. "sigh its really quiet now. i was so used to being with the troupe and causing loud ruckus this pass month. still. what that ass whole Hisoka did ratting us out and telling the chain user that Chrollo was alive. ugh damit i'll kill that snake its his fault that Paku is...and boss lost his nen." "Now thats just rude love." i jump and fall backwards off my chair to the sound of someone behind me. i turn to see hisoka. "H-Hisoka?! what the hell are you doing here get out!"

"Hey now i just came to say hi. and also tell you something." i look to him. getting ready to grab a weapon. " and what is that?" i dont trust him. not at all. "well you see since i wasnt able to fight Chrollo i wanted to release my anger. and since your simular to him. i came to you. think of it your boyfriend and friend is not here to protect you." he walks over and touches my hand and leans in. "Fuck off you dam clown!"  you push him away. i run to get my phone and go to call or text Feitan or phinks, but wasn't fast enough all i was able to send was broken letters. F & P H M!. (Feitan and Phinks Help Me!) 

i then get brought back by force. and bump into him. "i guess you didnt notice did you love. i stuck my bungee gum to you." my eyes widen. "you son of a bitch...I'll kill you. i swea-ugh....coughs." Hisoka punches me in the stomach resulting me almost getting sick. and fall to my knees. "now you better listen to me and do as i say and i'll let you live your day. and if not i'll keep beating you." i growl and stare at him. i Kick him in the leg sending him to his knees. "why that slightly hurt. guess i'll have to do this then. with that he pins me down and tears off my clothes as his. he bites me hard drawing blood. and leaves bruises and scratches. i let out a crying sob and beg him to stop.

"Why would i stop im having so much fun y/n. you know when you joined the troupe saw you i wanted to mess with you. but chrollo and Feitan got in the way. same with shalnark. you 3 are always together but now that chrollo is not where to be seen and Feitan is out. that leaves shalnark. i hear that your trying to change all there fates and save them. well guess what im the one who kills some of them. i wont say who and when but it'll happen i'll tear your happy little family apart one by one." i lay there tears in my eyes. and cry. "please dont hurt them dont hurt Shalnark he's like a brother to me. please you can do what ever to me just dont hurt them."

he then grins licking his lips. " i'll take you up on that offer y/n. as he does so without warning molests me and stationed himself before me and rammed into me, tears beamed down my face. Having another person other then your boyfriend is disgusting and sinful. i wont ever forgive you hisoka. using my family to blackmail me for your own selfish desires you are the scum of the world.

Meenwhile else where.

(Feitan's Pov)
" huh what is this? y/n sent me something? F & P H M!...?" Phinks then looks over and looks at it. "do you think she send this by accident or sleep texting?" we study it a bit more then i realized what it was. my eyes widen. " it be a emergency y/n is in trouble. F is me and P is you. H is help and M is Me. With that. we rushed back to the cottage and what we where about to see will send us into a rage. 

We got there and open the door to be greeted to a bloody, beaten, naked Y/n. tied up and unconscious. i run over to her to get her down while Phinks looks around the house for anyone hiding but doesnt find anyone. thats when i saw it. in between her boobs was a playing card. i looked at it and it was the Joker card. i grew mad. i knew who did this. and he will pay for hurting my girlfriend my property. "Hisoka...me will kill you for what you did..." Phinks walks over. "i didnt see anyone. sorry Feitan" he looks at me who is infused with rage. we put y/n in the room, i stayed with her while Phinks went to bed.

"Y/n me sorry that i not there to save you." with that for the first time in a long time i shead a tear and held her hand. never leaving her side. 

Time skip brought to you by My sanity i has none :D

(Y/N Pov)

I finally woke my body hurts and was so sore. i look over to see Feitan holding me while asleep, then i remembered Hisoka happened. i softly touch Feitans face. as he then bolts awake. and looks at me. "y/n....." he then pulls me into a hug and kisses me. " i sorry....i-im sorry.) he breaks down which is the first time ever seeing this guy ever break down. meaning hell froze over. i pet his head to calm him and smile. "hey Feitan it's alright im here everything is alright now your here with me." he looks at me. " No it not ok! you where Raped. by Hisoka....Me no like Hisoka i will kill him." 

"actually i allowed him to. he...blacked mailed me. he told me that he's the one who kills the rest or most of you guys and mention Shalnark...i didnt want that to happen so i let him. im sorry." Feitan looks at me and gets more angered and slaps me. but stops and realized what he did. "I sorry y/n i didnt mean to." i look down. " im not mad in fact thank you Feitan. i needed that." he looks at me in confusion. "think of it as a wake up call realizing my mistakes and fixing them from there." he then understands a bit and nods.

"oh yea how was the Auction?" feitan shrugs. 

(Feitan's Pov)

" some things where alright. also we ran into those brats again there but we didn't fight we talked and left. I also stopped by a store. and bought something for you actually." she then looks at me in confusion and took a deep breath.

" i no this might not be the right time but i want to do it now. I pulls out a small box and open it and i got on one knee.

"Y/N....Will you marry me?."


Hisoka Hisoka Hisoka........i tried to like him i really tried but after the shit he pull towards the phantom Troupe and Shalnark... HELL NAW BRO!!!!!

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